The Last Punch

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Noah's hand had shot up and Torrent went cartwheeling through the air. She turned and lashed out her hand.

The links on the chainsaw gripped a tree and she guided herself down so she was crouched on the side of the tree before she looked up.

'Take him!'

Giriko's laugh echoed as he and Stein shot forward. 'With pleasure!'

Stein and Noah were dodging, striking, and generally going for the jugular on each other. Stein's mad face said it all as he twisted around another horrible attack from Noah's book. He threw his hand out and chainsaw links coiled around Noah's wrist.

Torrent suddenly looked down. Gopher's foot made contact and she went into a spiral before landing sideways and sliding several feet. Her nails dug in deep and she quickly turned her face so her eyes met Gopher's. Slowly, she swished her hand in a circle as she rose to her feet.

With a mighty push, she created vicious looking cats, five of them, that had a nasty smoke behind them. Torrent twisted her hands and they made contact with Gopher's kick.

'Can we get some help?'

But help wouldn't come. Noah was being a handful.

Kim's eyes widened as Torrent was mobbed by the minions and Gopher. "No! Torrent!"

Stein heard and turned, his eyes widening. 'No.'

Torrent's rage and furious yells echoed from the center. She was trying to keep them at bay. Torrent's magic was her only defense for now.

"NO!" Stein turned and started running. He pulled Giriko into the scythe form. 'We have to help!' he said to Giriko. 'She can't fall! Not now!'

Kim didn't want to stay. She yanked on Jaquelline's chain and ran into the fight.

"Stay back!" Stein yelled.

"No! I can help. Her magic is dying and she'll be unable to defend herself soon!" Kim was about to say more when Stein stepped in the way to block several minions from landing on Kim.

"Get back and put up a barrier. Torrent may unleash powerful attacks and none of you can handle it."

Stein brought scythe Giriko around and charging through a pile of minions. He was trying to find Torrent, but he was desperate because he could feel her and Justin unraveling from the Resonance Link. His mind went blank when he saw Justin shoot into the air as a human again.

Justin's eyes remained wide as he turned and dove right back in. He lashed out with his guillotine, the chain glinting as it extended quickly.

'No. Please don't be dead!'

Noah went soaring passed Stein and he found Torrent first. He grabbed her hair and lifted her, by the hair, and brought his hand back.

Torrent's eyes were searching. She spotted Stein and closed her eyes. 'My last spell. I'm spent, Justin.'

"Neko necko...."

Noah's fist made contact and Torrent unleashed a massive wave of madness that changed to stagnant energy when Noah was finally out of range. The minions faded and left the damage to be seen.

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