Sam x Mute!Reader | To Speak Again

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A/N: I really hope you guys like these!

I'm just gonna jump right in...


When you were younger, barely four years old, you fell sick a bad case of strep throat, resulting in the seemingly permanent loss of your voice.

You haven't uttered a peep since.


A pushed a huff of air our your noise, shutting the old book and falling back on the motel bed.

Sam glanced over at you from his spot on the sofa, surrounded by more old books. "Find anything?"

Your held up your hand, shooting him a thumbs-down.

You pulled yourself up, grabbing your notepad and quickly writing something down.

I'm going for a walk. Need to clear my head. Just going around the motel.

You dropped it in front of Sam, pulling on your jacket as Sam read the quick note over.

"Are you sure? You want me to go with you?" Sam asked, looking up at you.

You shook your head, giving him a reassuring smile.

You walked out of the room, shoving your hands into your pockets and began to walk around the motel.

You found an old wooden bench, and decided to sit down for a few minutes.

You have the biggest crush on Sam. And you're frustrated on how to tell him, seeing as how you can't really speak. You could write him a long, heartfelt note. Or you could try to talk again.

You attempted to clear your throat. You opened your mouth. And all that came out was a raspy wheeze.

You sighed, defeatedly leaning back against the bench.

Your nose wrinkled as a stench reached your nose. Rotten eggs. Then your eyes widened.



Sam looked up as the door flew open, hoping it would be you. He deflated as soon as he saw it was just Dean.

"You get the demon?"

Dean shook his head. "No. You find out was it was trying to resurrect?"

Sam shook his head, continuing to flip through books.

Dean glanced around the room. "Where's [Y/N]?"

"She went for a walk."

Dean stared disbelievingly at his younger brother. "You let her go out alone?! Sam! That demon is still out there!"

Sam's face paled. "Dammit," he muttered, standing to grab his coat.

The door opened just as he got one of his arms through his sleeve, and the brothers turned to see you.

"[Y/N]! Are you okay?" Sam asked, rushing over to you.

You nodded, and he led you to the couch. "I shouldn't have let you go out alone! That was stupid of me! You could've gotten hurt, or killed, or po-"

Sam was cut off as he and Dean were thrown against the wall of the motel room.

You slowly stood from the sofa, walking towards them, an evil smirk on your face.

"[Y/N]?" Sam questioned, eyes narrowed in concern.

"Sorry, [Y/N] can't come to the phone right now. Can I take a message?" Your eyes flashed black.

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