Her Beginning, His End.

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Heavy footsteps to dilute the sound, running fast unaware of my surround...ings, feel the blur as the pain stings. Shrill ringing in my ears, what is it I seek? Whom will save me from the darkness that  has become my aching soul?




Feel it slice through like the words they aren't asking,

Are you okay?

How was your day?

Not a sound but the dark, where I've always been.




to escape my sin.

Let them be blind to the unknown, sheltered in ignorance they will be. Derision thrown each way, seems as if the devil is catching up to me. Below me his shadow enveloping my own, heart begins weighing like stone; pulling me down but they cannot see me, blind and ignorant to what I can be. Just this demon in my sight, mastermind of the crossroads showing me what isn't right.

Whispers from the wind reach her ears, caressing her skin with its rough texture,

Such smooth flesh you have my dear, unblemished white porcelain deserves to have a stain. Just a cut will suffice to feed the evil in my mind.

Before then, a young man gave into his demon. Harming someone he very much needed, and once  done with his deed he receives a visit.

Such rough flesh you have my son, blemished dark. Just take the left and it'll finally be done. Just a slice of your soul is all I desire, not much to give considering your attire.

Her ear-splitting screams resound in his thoughts, destroying something so pure left him wanting for more. In a whirlwind of emotions, he smiles at his master. Disregarding the insult, to gather his reward.

He takes the left road and hears a scream, vision blurry giving way to his dream. Sleep walking as he feels his soul slip through his fingers, and in the distance an innocence that only lingers. He smiles feeling its purity, ignoring the darkness he runs for its security.

Like a beacon of light, it shines brighter than ever. Pure brightness envelops him, cleansing his bitter soul leaving him settled. Maybe after all there is hope for the wicked, it's just all in the decisions. His skin lightens and the stone lifted from the pillar in his chest. Feet come to a halt as the demons screams in cringing detest,

Who is she? What does she stand for?

A consecration on the ground as the light begins to pour, what warmth that he cannot let go...only adore.  Awe seeps out of his pores, at the beauty she beholds. No words to describe her enchanting innocence, as he feels her serene presence wrap him into a cocoon. Not paying mind to the demons' disgust nor their tremor of the powerful being that has saved him from perdition. His face illuminates and halts the desecration, viewing her soul deep he sees an affliction. On her skin, a cut, a martyr to save him from his painful addiction. He analyzes her sad face and ponders what could have occurred, so he holds her and prepares for what is stored...

Terror flashes across his face, for he is the one to cause such disgrace. Sorrow settles at the pit of his stomach from all the pain that she has retained. He is not worthy to hold such probity, but his selfishness won't let him release his lover's waist. Although, in his sin lies salvation. With his soul he'll save her desolation. So he pierces his heart and reaches for his soul, reaches for her heart and wiggles it's handle door.

Let me in.

He whispers in her ear,

No more sin no more fear, my selfishness and ignorance is what brought you here. So in my own demise I hope my love shows clear, will you accept?

Paralyzed at what she hears, she looks up at him lost in his gaze,

For your redemption I accept, but trust me love it hurts no less.

Sheer pain explodes within, at the mere thought of losing him.

You'll never lose me. You'll always have my soul, I'll always be waiting at the end of your goal, always be the one to wipe away your tears, always be the one to battle with your fears. In death, I'll search for you, reborn anew for the sole purpose of staying true. My mistakes caused you pain but with this piece of my soul, feel the love that held me sane.

And with that, he caressed her heart as she opened the door. Combining their souls, she is renewed. A reborn child, majestic to the world. Her uniqueness attracts many, plenty to destroy, but for her guardian angel; forever will she be pure.

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