Chapter 1

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*Beginning of freshman year*

"Justinnnn. It's not funny. How do you expect us to pass if you don't know how to do this." I whined to my best friend. Right now we were in biology doing class work and we didn't know what the hell we were doing.

"Calm down." He chuckled. "We're not gonna even need this when we're older. You're gonna be a model like you've always wanted to and I'm gonna be the most famous singer in the world." We both looked at each other and laughed. We have the craziest thoughts for when we grow up.

"Okay? And if that doesn't work out? Then what? We're gonna be jobless and homeless with no money because SOMEBODY said that we wouldn't need to know this when we are older so me and you after school my house."

"Your house?" He smirked and winked at me. Justin and I have always had a complicated relationship. We were best friends but we also liked each other but we were to chicken to admit it so we just kept it lowkey.

"Yes my house stupid. Stop acting like you're 5 and keep your dick in your pants." He chuckled and then we went back to our work. About 10 minutes later the teacher called Justin up to the front. I saw them talking and Justin had a confused look on his face but I couldn't make out what they were saying. After like 1 minute he came up to me and started packing his stuff.

"Hey sorry my moms picking me up early she said it was 'urgent' so I'll just text you later then we can meet up."

"Okay loser. Bye love you."

"Yeah yeah. Love you too." Little did I know that that was the last time I would be seeing Justin in a long time.

Justin's p.o.v
I was walking up to my moms car wondering what the heck could be so important that I had to leave school. Not that I was complaining or anything. Her car came in to view and I saw her with the biggest smile so when I got to the car she blurted out, " SCOOTER BRAUN IS AT OUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW AND WANTS TO SIGN YOU TO A RECORDING LABEL!"


"He saw your videos on YouTube and when I came home he was there on our front porch wanting to see you right away! This could be a big thing Justin! You can finally live your dream like you've always wanted!" All I could think about was Jada and what I would do without her.

"But what about Jada? I just can't leave her."

"Honey this has been your dream for who knows how long now and I know you and Jada are best friends but chances like these don't come everyday." We finally pulled up to my house and like my mom said Scooter was on the front porch. I walked out sweating balls. What would I say? Would he like me? I couldn't even comprehend the words to say. Until my mom finally asked him to join us inside. We were all at the table and started to talk about my future career.

"Justin. We need you right away. I love your music. I love your style and you seem so passionate about singing and the second I saw you I knew I have to sign you. So what do you say?" He said with pleading eyes.

"What about school? How soon would we have to leave? How long would I be gone for?"

"We got that all taken care of already. We got you a private teacher. We got you a one way ticket to L.A and if all goes good you might be coming back here when you're a big star and everyone loves you." A star? Me famous? I couldn't even think but like my mom said these offers don't come around everyday.

"I'll do it. What time do we leave."

"That's my boy and 1:30. So go ahead and do whatever you need to do." I looked at the time and it was 12:25. By the time I leave Jada would still be in school. The person that's made me chase my dreams and I'd be leaving her just like that? I couldn't. I didn't have the balls to see her face again because I know if I did I wouldn't be able to leave. I did the first thing that popped into my head and decided to write her a letter.

Dear Jada,
I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your house after school and I probably won't be able to make it any times after that. The reason my mom picked me up early is because a guy named Scooter Braun saw my videos on YouTube and automatically wanted to sign me. Can you believe it? My dreams finally coming true. I'm also sorry that I couldn't say an actual goodbye. I know it would just be to hard for me and I couldn't bare to see your face without crying or wanted to stay. Please don't hate me. I promise when I get famous I'll come back and we can live the life we always wanted too. I'm going to miss you so much. We've been friends since we were 5 and it hurts so much saying goodbye. So I won't say goodbye. I'll just say see you later. So see you later. I love you.
                  Forever & Always,
                    You're best friend Justin

I could feel the tears on my eye dripping on the paper and I couldn't hold it in anymore. My mom came in and told me not to worry that we would see each other again in the future and oh god did I hope that was true. My mom already have most of my stuff packed so when I packed everything else it was already 1:00 and Scooter said we needed to head out. Before I got in the car I stopped by Jada's house which was right next to ours. I left the note in her mailbox and with that I was off to the airport still with tears in my eyes thinking about Jada.

Jada's p.o.v

Hmmm. I wonder why Justin went  home early. I hope everything's okay. Just to make sure I texted him while I was walking home.

To: Juju <3
Hey everything alright at home? Just wanted to check in and give you a reminder to meet up at my place to study.

It took about 15 minutes to walk home and once I got there I got the mail and went inside. I dropped all my crap from school and checked to see if Justin had texted me back. No reply. That's weird he usually always replies. I decided to call him and while I was waiting I was looking through the mail and saw that there was something for me. It was a letter. As I was reading through it tears kept coming through my eyes and it wouldn't stop. He left. No goodbye. Nothing. Just a note. This has got to be a joke right? I crumpled the note and threw it. His phone went straight to voicemail and it said leave a message after the beep.

"Justin? This is a joke right? Please answer." Please don't leave me. You're my best friend. I can't live without you. Who am I suppose to tell everything to now? Why? Why would you leave?" And then all you heard was me at the end sobbing. My mom came home to me crying on the corner of the couch. After I explained everything to her she just hugged me until I fell asleep. I knew I wouldn't be seeing him for a while but I prayed that I would.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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