Chapter 11

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Ezra lay sprawled on his bed reading and listening to music. His folks were out on a cruise orientation for more cadets. Kallus thought of putting him in the academy over the fall. Ezra refused the offer time and time again.

The whole foundation that his uncle worked for was the reason his parents died. He wanted no part in it. There was a bang on his window. He yelped and looked to see Kanan waving. Ezra huffed exasperated shaking his head. He  flipped off the foot of the bed and walked over leaning on the windowsill.

Kanan blew his hot breath on the glass to fog it and wrote with his finger. Ezra watched him tilting his head trying to figure out what he was saying. It was sloppy but he giggled reading it.

"I gots us food; let meh in" it read.

Ezra moves the curtain and unlocked the window lifting it. He moved back as he  came in tossing his backpack down and plopped on the bed stretching.

"You could've texted me that you were coming over and you could've used the door." Ezra harped.

Kanan waved him off as a "yeah yeah" gesture

Ezra was curious in why he was so quiet.

"Is everything okay?" Ezra asked

Kanan nodded. Ezra sat across from him and placed a hand on his stomach. Kanan winced moving his hand . He turned over no longer facing Ezra.

"Kanan?" Ezra asked crawling over and turned him back. Kanan was trying hard not to show any sign of pain but Ezra wasn't buying it.

Ezra lifted Kanan's shirt and his eyes widened. All up across his stomach and chest were deep red bruises. Some bleeding and some dented.

"Who the hell did this?" Ezra said looked up at him face dreading. Kanan didn't say anything.

"Look, I know it's been hard for me and you did everything you could but let me help you." Ezra pleaded

He shook his head no. He got up and limped to his backpack.

"Dude, who are you protecting right now: The ass who fucked you up or me?" Ezra asked.

Kanan looked over at him using the best facial expression to tell him, "Don't worry, I'll be okay" but he failed due to the scars causing more pain.

"You know what? Fuck this shit!" Ezra said in frustration throwing his hands up. He walked away.

Ezra rummaged in his closet. He pulled out a small black suitcase. There was two Millennium G2 pistols inside. Ezra grabbed one and started emptying the old shells and reloaded. He put a gun holster around his waist.

Kanan limped over as fast as possible and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. "no" he whispered.

Ezra looked to him mega pissed. "Then tell me who the fuck it is!" he yelled. Ezra covered his mouth. He unloaded the gun and put all of it away.

"I'm sorry.." Ezra murmured. Kanan bumped his head against Ezra's.

He chuckled and said "Ow."

They shared a kiss before Ezra withdrew to get the First Aid kit.
Kanan hissed as Ezra cleansed the scars with warm water. Ezra gave him an apologetic look before continuing.

After long minutes of Kanan groaning from the antibiotic ointment being applied to his skin, Ezra managed to bandage him.

"There we go. You should stay here until it heals a bit." Ezra says getting up and cleaning the mess.

Kanan watched him clean up everything. He sat up propping his back against the pillows behind him. The cats came in leaping onto the bed laying at the foot.

One of the came near Kanan sniffing his hand. Kanan smiled watching her in entertainment. Piper nudged at his hand rubbing against it purring.

Ezra turned around and smiled. Pepper and Piper were curled up against Kanan napping and purring.

"They sound like little motor engines don't they?" Ezra asked Kanan

He looked up and nodded.

Once Ezra was finished he went downstairs to fix them something to eat.

After a few minutes, Ezra came upstairs with a tray and set it on his nightstand. Kanan scrunched his face at the comfort food.

"Hey, this is a family recipe. I'm doing my best okay?" Ezra protested. Kanan shrugged and sat up. Ezra propped the pillows and sat across from him. "You'll be able to hold this right?" Ezra asked him. Kanan nodded. He handed him the bowl and watched as Kanan carefully ate the broth. "After you eat, we're going to the hospital." Ezra told him.

Kanan continued to eat. As much pain he was in he didn't want to protest about it. Ezra got his phone out and dialed. "Hello, this is Ezra Bridger." He said walking outside the room.

Kanan listener in but couldn't make out what he was saying. Ezra came back in and ran his fingers through his hair. He huffed heavily and sat across from Kanan.

It was quiet for a good ten second until the doorbell rang. "I'll be right back." Ezra mumbled getting up.

He slid down the rails and walked to the door. "Who is it?" Ezra asked looking through the peep hole. "It's Zek. Dude open up!" He yelled.
Ezra tolled his eyes and unlocked the door.

Zek came in panting and soaked. "The hell happened to you?" Ezra asked. "I need a towel." Zek growled. Ezra tossed a towel hanging on chair near by.

"I was taking a stroll out by Lake Robin Park and some douche out nowhere knocks me over and made me trip into a fountain." Zek explained as he briefly dried off.

"Hmph" Ezra said to himself.

"The dick apologized but I don't get how he's riding a bike and doesn't see the fucking sidewalk." Zek continues.

"Oof" was all Ezra said

He went into the kitchen and opened the fridge door. "Want a coke or smoothie shake?" He asked Zek.

"Coke." Zek sighed plopping on the couch

Ezra grabbed two bottles and closed the door with his foot and walked into the living room.
He sat the drinks into the table and sat down with him.

"Aw fuck nuggets" Zek groaned

"What?" Ezra asked taking a sip of his drink

"We have to do the cake module for yearbook"
Zek whined

Ezra huffed and sat down his can. He covered his face. "Fuuuuuuck" he groaned.

"I'm gonna head home." Zek said getting up and heading to the door.

"Alright, I'll text you." Ezra told him walking with him. Zek tossed the towel to him and head out. "Thank for the dry off and coke" Zek says waving as he walked down the steps. "No prob see ya". Ezra says waving back.

He closed the door behind him and went upstairs to check on Kanan. He opened the door to see Kanan in his bed posed awkwardly but snoring peacefully with twin cats curled up in a ball next to him purring up a storm.

"Aww" Ezra squealed silently as he sat at the foot of the bed. He took a picture and made it his screensaver. 'He'll wonder how I had time to take this,'Ezra said to himself. Kanan yawned and turn to the other side and one of the cats laid on top of him continuing their sleep. Ezra picked up a book and sat at the window. He smiled at them before opening the book and reading where he last left off.

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