The beginning

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"Don't judge anyone because there is hurt behind every smile."

My story begins at school. The years that your clueless about life until you first get a knife in your back. First rule trust noone🙅🏾. No matter how innocent they look. They may be beautiful on the outside but ugly in the inside. True beauty is in the inside where it can't be seen.✨👀

I didn't have many friends well except Nicki of course but she wasn't really a friend more like family. Nearly everyday she would come over mine. I had of course annoying brother called Tyler. He isn't really my brother but I've known him since dippers so, we was pretty close like cheese on a pizza🍕. Tyler is your typical pretty boy with green eyes that any girl would probably die for and really popular he could please anyone with his hilarious sense of humour and Nicki wasn't the most beautiful girls but definitely the most confident. When we would change to go swimming, everybody would hide under their towels or even get changed in the toilet. Nicki was just a free bird and spread her wings free and often danced around. It wasn't the prettiest of sights to be honest with you.

Before I had Nicki I was shy and I never stood up for myself. Tyler's friends called me fat, small and all types of names. I would ignore it and cry in the girls bathroom and I stopped eating breakfast and lunch. Obviously I didn't tell anyone not even my parents. Tyler tried to involve me in the group and suddenly I was one of the guys but the names never stopped though. I would play footballs, cricket and enjoyed sports in general. It was the only time people actually paid attention to me and Tyler's friends even congratulated me. My favourite thing to do was run. I liked the sound of the wind against my tiny ears. The pitter patter of my feet against the track and the sense of belonging. I have to admit I was not the skinniest person in the world. I was quite round. I was a big 'geek' because I payed attention to the teacher and I never caused any trouble.
After I became friends with Nicki, everyone wanted to be my friend to it was amazing. Nicki would give me tips and advice and eventually I fit in and became one of the popular kids. Nicki thought it would be a good idea if I stopped doing sports and she wanted me to introduce her to Tyler and the guys. She told me she had a crush on him. She was crazy 'in love' with him.
When I went to her house she made a posters of a future with him and printed images of babies and cars and a house. She would speak about him 24/7 until one day they started dating.

"Hey since I'm dating your best friend maybe you should date his best friend! It would be so cute." She suggested.

I made a face🙄, see Nicki wasn't the smartest of people; last time she had a crazy idea and stole all the sweets from the kitchen and said we should lock ourselves in the bathroom and eat them all. I was grounded, sick, grounded and my parents were disappointed and did I mention grounded?

"No way, that's your thing not mine plus no one that goes to our school is handsome except Tyler."

"Tyler is mine and all mine. I told you I liked him and now you want him to yourself!"

She shouted at me believe this is not the first time she has done this.

"Tyler is my best friend too! I never get to play with him or talk to him anymore because he is your boyfriend. He doesn't even like you!"

Then there was silence. Nicki walked out of the door and went inside her mother's car and replied

"I hate you! I don't know why I was ever best friends with you! You are just jealous of me because I got Tyler and I got more friends and no one will ever love you because your fat."

That night I cried myself to sleep silently in the dark. Tyler stopped talking to me because I was rude to his girlfriend and everyone else start calling me names again. I tired making new friends but every time I did, Nicki would turn them against me feeding the lies. I began to think to myself, I feel uncomfortable when I know someone hates my guts. Should I say sorry?
The very next day my mum and dad had to go work so they dropped me off at Nicki's house and her mother let me in. I made my way to Nicki's room. I knocked on the door quietly with my heart in my hands. "Come in!" Tears began to fall down my face.

"I'm sorry about all the mean things I said can you forgive me?"

Nicki gave me a hug. "If you promise me you will go out with Brandon?"

"Deal." Brandon is Tyler's best friend and the leader of the guys who called me names. I hate him but as best friends we need to make sacrifices.
The next day Nicki gave me a some lipstick and bows for my hair. I started misbehaving only in the playground and boys were begging for my attention. I will admit it I liked it at first.
Then one day Brandon asked me out and before I could decline or accept Nicki accepted it for me. Brandon treated me like a princess when we were alone but not nice he was with his friends. I told him and he apologised.
Brandon was what you would call a bad boy. When we went to Tyler's house he stole my first kiss and when we got to my house he was trying to 'take our relationship further' so I broke up with him and he never spoke to me again and apparently so did Nicki because I broke my promise. Nick spilled all my secrets and told everyone my deepest fears and I let her for awhile then, I stood up to her and Tyler stood by my side and broke up with her too.
Ever since then the bullying happened but I tried so hard to ignore it. My life was finally starting to get back on track and I was becoming one of the guys again and playing sports again but it wasn't the same since my mind wasn't 100% into it. I stopped eating again and till this day. I still do! I changed into an angry person. I had fights everyday but since I was a good student I was let off the hook.
Then my grandad became very ill and my mum kept telling me it was okay. When I always knew it wasn't? I just had my birthday and I was visiting my grandad at the hospital and a showed him all my new toys and he stared to look down. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"You have been crying again haven't you?" He sighed.
I told him everything and he sat there and listened to every word. "Pretty girls don't cry. Don't let them know how you are feeling. Don't show them weakness. Don't cry anymore. They are not worth your tears!" He said. I looked up to him and wiped my tears.

"Your right pretty girls don't cry."

"That's my girl!" He smiled.

"Grandad? Don't tell mum or dad please! This can be our little secret."

"Okay baby girl."


"I promise. Now I need to tell you something?" He said not looking into my eyes. "When I gone I want you to look after mummy for me." He said crying softly.

"I promise but stop crying because heroes don't cry they always find a way." I kiss his forehead and go home.

5 days after my birthday my mum told me he died. I was devastated. After I just focused on my grades and turned in to the person I am today. Stubborn, emotionless and unhappy but I never showed anyone I just covered it with a smile. Don't let them know. Pretty girls can't cry.

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