Is this... Love? Chapter 6 :

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The thing class 2-4 will be doing is a maid and butler cafe.

Sakura looked at the board again, she counted the votes and wrote each number on top of each one.

She turned around and announced the thing they'll be doing. "C-Class 2-4 will be doing a maid and butler cafe." She said a bit softly. The class might've not heard her but Kaito repeated it, saying it louder a bit.

She erased the board and wrote a T chart. "Ok. One side would be building the cafe. The other would be in charge of the uniforms."

There were 2 ways on who was doing what. Either they pick by themselves or they randomly choose who does what.

Sakura looked at Kaito for some help. He sighed and looked at the class. "Girls. You will be in charge of the uniforms and menus. Boys. You will be in charge of the set. I will watch the boys and help while Sakura will help the girls." The class whispered to each other but in the end they thought it was a good idea.

Sakura thanked Kaito and they started to work. She learned how to sew when she was younger so it was a bit easy for her. Some were working on the menu and some were making the uniforms.

"Wooah. Sakura! How are you able to make such a good uniform?" Sakura looked up to see where the voice was coming from. It was from Miki Akimoto. She was the class "Princess". She had caramel hair and a nice personality. "T..Thank you." Sakura said as she blushed a bit.

It was the first time she recieved such a compliment. "Can you help me figure out what I did wrong here, Sakura-chan?" Sakura nodded and took a look of the uniform that Miki attempted to make.

It was a huge mess. The stitches were out of place. But it was good for a first timer. Sakura helped Miki with her stitching which got more girls to ask Sakura for her help. Due to this, she gained a lot of friends.

|| Now to the boys ||

The boy side was doing fine. However they were daydreaming a bit more. "I wonder who would look the best in a maid costume. Don't you, Ryuu?" That voice was coming from the playboy, Kurai. Ryuu sighed and continued doing his work, building. "Kurai. Get back to work."

As the day came to an end, they made some progress. It's 3 more days until the festival and they're sure that they'll be able to make it on time. The 2 people in charge of the festival, Kaito and Sakura had to go to a meeting to talk about the festival and what they were doing.

In class 3-1 they were performing a play, Romeo and Juliet.

In class 1-2 they were doing a haunted house.

And so on.

One thing that was interesting in the meeting was a contest. A contest in who would attract the most students and whichever class wins will be able to go to a trip to Kyoto hot springs.

Finally the meeting end and they were able to leave the school. "Today was a successful day wasn't it?" Kaito said as he was putting on his shoes.

Sakura nodded and waited for him next to his locker. "I-I want to create memories with my f-friends." Kaito smiled and patted her head, "Of course you would."

Sakura smiled at him, "I hope so."

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