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On Privet drive number four, the Dursleys were preparing for Uncle Vernon's sister, Marge to visit. On the last bedroom on the second landing, three boys were quietly talking amongst themselves. The first was named James Black, a grey eyed, mischievous 13 year old boy.

His twin, Frank Black had hazel eyes, but the same hair and other attributes. Both appeared extremely bored and were twirling stick like things in their hands. Lastly, there was an emerald eyed boy with round glasses and a Lighting Bolt scar. His name was Harry Potter.

The twins were cousins of Harry and they were scrunched up in one bedroom. "Oi! You idiots get down here." Shouted Harry's uncle, signaling to the 13 year olds. Sighing, they came down the stairs, meeting their gruesome Aunt Marge. Harry sighed in anger.

However, Frank and James pretending to be absolutely delighted. "Hello dearest Marge, how are ye today?" James said, wiggling his eyebrows. "Auntie, did you buy us presents?" Frank countered, mockingly. Aunt Marge actually looked surprised and not angry, for once.

" I see the Potter offspring, if that's what you wanted to call it is still here." She said, grinning maliciously. Harry wanted to kill her, but he managed to control his emotions. James and Frank laughed, nudging one another. Marge looked as if she had been slapped in the face.

" I see Potter and his cousins seem to be merely enjoying my company. The apple never falls far from the tree, does it not Vernon?" She said evilly. Harry wanted to punch the crap out of her. Vernon smiled in an ugly way and Petunia let out a high pitched giggle, most unlike her sister, Harry's mother. The kids stomped upstairs after this, disgruntled by Marge.

Soon, five owls came through the window. Harry recognised two: Hedwig and Errol. Harry tore open Hedwig's letter along with Errol's. Then, the twins took the rest of the letters. Harry read one from Hermione:

Dear Harry,

How's life going with the Dursleys? I hope they aren't treating you or the twins in a horrid way. Anyways, I hope to see you very soon. Maybe we could meet up at the Burrow?

Lots of Love, 'Mione

Harry could only hope for the opportunity to see the Weasley family soon in the summer. The thought of it got him so happy, he would probably hex Dudley by an accident.

The next letter was from Ron about how Percy was Head Boy and how many problems Fred and George were giving him. Next, a letter from Hogwarts gave him a Hogsmead permission form, as well as two for Frank and James. Then, a letter came from Hagrid and at last, there was only one letter left.

You are so stupid and dead Potter.

I think you can guess who that one was from.


"Last night to get your form signed Harry." Said Frank and James together. Uncle Vernon agreed to sign it if Harry acted civil towards that inhumane creature he was forced call his 'aunt.' He hard to press his lips many times to avoid from bursting.

It was the last night and dinner was almost over. "You know that things father was unemployed. It's all in the family you-"

'My father was not unemployed' Harry shouted. "Calm down you idiot." James and Frank whispered in unison, poking him in the ribs.

" I'm telling you Vernon, if there's something wrong with the bitch (woman dog) there is always something wrong with the pup." This was the biggest mistake of Marge's life. Suddenly, she stopped speaking and seemed unable of doing so. Harry had his face red and anger was clearly etched upon his face.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now