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The Green Party is a political group who stand for a change that not happens with today political leaders. However, I not trying to tell you who you need to vote for. I m just going to tell you the facts. The very important topic of stem cells. We believe if being use in the research we could eventually cure most or all of today’s cancers. Nevertheless, to be used to make clones is unacceptable. Stem cell research will strictly be use for curing cancers and viruses. However, were we get our stem cells will also be main factor no unborn fetus shall be use to get stem cells.

We want to lower the healthcare cost and for an advancement in medical care for serious illness. Having health care is vital into days world as many are get sick, but when not having medical coverage most of the time your turn down. My coworkers and I would both agree that everyone deserve and needs health care.

To genetic clone the human species is unconustinual cloning the human race is just out of the question. But cloning detached body parts for our wounded soldiers would only be right for duty they served.

Many are out of work the unemployment rate 7.9%. With our plan to create 2 million more jobs and 350,000 training place we can bring that rate down. Nevertheless, if we have lifelong public schooling teaching for jobs of the future. We will become top in science and math. We are future of America we are the future generation. In addition, I have no doubt in my mind or body that together we can become the best country and have the best economy that the world has ever seen.

Like I address in paragraph above education is the key to taking back the economy. As you all may have learned in your social science class is one of the powers of the state is to do what you think best for your state's school.  Therefore, the local governments real control it, but what we would make sure is that every child has equal chances to get a good college education.      

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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