The Diary of a Soldier - Chapter one TRIALLLL!!!!

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The Diary of a Soilder

by Ryan Allen

Chapter 1 - Finding Out

It is the truth to say, that every soldier wants to see some action.

However, with action comes consiquences you must face, death, pain and emotional upset, behind every soldier is a family they have left behind and there emotional upset, it is very upsetting to see a family in bereavement, let alone, seeing a family accepting ther son or daughters death before there even die.

This book is a soldier's very frank and upfront view of the war in afghanistan, we start with Sargeant Dominic Hutch, 16th Air assualt, he has come home to tell his mother that he is going on a tour of afghanistain for six months, he is eighteen years old, hes father and his fathers father were all in the army, infact he is the 5th generation of his family to join the army, it is in his blood, every moment of his life revolves around the army, its like he has the army coursing through his viens, dom also has Autism, he sat in the same chair everyday if he didnt sit in this chair he would feel out of place and awkward.

We join this conversation at the crucial point he is about to tell his mother were his is going for the next six months.

"Dom, are you staying for dinner?" said Sergeant Dominic Hutch's mum, "if you are what would you like?"

Dom did not reply.

"Dom, are you staing for dinner?" said dom's mum, this time louder and more urgent, "take those bloody ear phones out" she lent foward and pulled out his headphones 

Dom then turned round and said "What?".

"Alright, dont shout at me, are you staying for dinner?".

"Well, i need to talk to you so its proberbly best if we did it over the dinner table"

This made his mum think, she sat there and pondered for a while.

Dom had to tell his mum he was going on a tour of duty, he sat in his chair, thinking, he thought how was he going to tell his mum that he was going, he didn't know how to tell her, he had plenty of things he wanted to say but none of them felt write for this situation. His mum called him for dinner, "Dom! Dinner is ready!" he walked into the dining room and sat down on his chair, his mum come out with his food and said "Its hot, don't touch the plate" he replyed his a simple but assertive "Roger", they began eating and he said, "Mum, I have something to tell you" he said nervously, his mum replyed "go on", he then went on to tell her about how he loved her, and how much he is going to miss her, "whats going on dom, where are you going" she said worringly, Dom replyed "Mum, I love you, but, My platoon comander called me into his office yesterday and said in 2 weeks you will be going to afghanistain" he said, his mum went a whiter shade of pale, all the life that was in her looked like it had been drained, "no you cant go" she said whilst sobbing into her hands.

"Why?, Why now?" said his mum

"Because, my platoon commander decieded to put my name down for a tour without me even agreeing, honestly, i actually want to go, i know it will be a lot of upset for you but i will keep you updated and keep a diary for you"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2011 ⏰

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