Meet beca :)

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19 years old - born in America Los Angeles.

Depression and guilt was the cause of my mothers death. The fact that i had a shitty father that wanted nothing to do with me and my own self-esteem problems, shit just got to much for her. It was my fault. She found out about my self harming and how I thought of my self. She was disappointed and wanted nothing to do with my immature self. I moved away, at the age of 17 to live with my best friends in a small apartment. 3 months after my move I got a call from the hospital. My mum had died from a heart attack. It was out of the blue... She was a healthy women and was mostly happy - until she found out about my 'addiction'.

A month went by and I decided to move. Move anywhere and everywhere. My boyfriend found an apartment in England. Yeah I know, fucking miles away from 'merica, but I really just needed to leave. I wanted a fresh start, no I needed a fresh start. We moved as soon as we could, leaving my friends behind. Edward
started a job at the local bakery and I found a uni near the village.

Shits been hard but it's fine. I met a girl called Violet at uni and we've been close ever since. Edward has found plenty of friends, I never understand when he has the time to meet these people! The ones I have met are Jerry, Michael and Zac, however there's one friend I have yet to meet.

Friday 16th August, the day I met Harry Styles...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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