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Spring, one of the more neutral seasons. You didn't mind it, in fact you didn't care at all for the seasons. They could come and go as they please and they'd do it whether you want them too or not. But this particular spring was important. It was in fact rather ironic, because of a single person who could disrupt the peace in spring. The boy who felt like the cold chill of winter, that had the ominousness of Autumn, words that could change in an instant like the weather in summer, and spring, the cheerful personality that concealed him.

You remember a small breeze that day, gently blowing your (h/c) hair behind you as you entered Ranjin University. Getting in to the university took a lot of work but you pulled through and got accepted. You had settled in nicely and had a nice dorm to stay in but no roommate had been given to you yet. This didn't bother you, instead you were relieved to be able to adapt before you had to deal with socially interacting with a stranger you would be living with. Four months in and you weren't doing so bad. Everything was fine. Until you changed classes. Or at least tried.

You hadn't been doing well in your Philosophy 101 class. The work continuously piled up and it interfered with your other classes. Changing classes felt like you only option, unfortunately all the other classed were already full. "Please," you pleaded to the front office, "There has to be something, anything left."

"I am sorry miss but everything is taken," the lady at the desk apologizes.

"Okay... thanks anyways," you sigh, then turning to leave. When reaching to open the door someone from the other side does instead. That was when you met him.

He was slightly above average height possibly 5 foot 9. His eyes were brown with what looked like a red hue to them and his hair was raven black. Everything else about him seemed normal except for his smile which was more of a mischievous smirk. "Oh, hey, I almost ran into you there. I didn't scare you right?"

"No, I'm alright." you smile.

"Say, don't I know you?" he questions holding his chin and inspecting your face. You back away from him being so close to you. "That's right! Seat number 87 in Philosophy 101. Nice to finally meet you flunky." he said holding out his hand for you to shake. When you didn't take his friendly gesture he simply put his hand in his black jacket's pocket.

"W-what do you mean??" you said embarrassingly blushing.

"I'm two seats behind you. Easy for me to see a bad grade." The boy explained while he smiled devilishly. "I take it you're here to switch classes, which did you choose?"

Sighing you replied, "I didn't, all the classes are full unfortunately."

"That so? Looks like things aren't boding well for you." he chuckled. Your face turned melancholy at the statement. "Hm, you seem very upset by this."

"Yeah no kidding I'm upset... I'm about to fail this class!" you say running a hand through your hair in frustration. You walk over to a bench in the room and sit down, your hands still laced through your hair.

A second later you felt him sit next to you, "You know seat number 87, I never caught your name. I'm Orihara Izaya."

You look at him and sit up, "(L/n)(F/n)."

"That's a nice name. So listen here, I have an idea. I happen to be pretty good at Philosophy, what if I became your tutor?" he smirked leaning back with is arms behind his head.

"Really?" you asked full of hope.

"Why not?"

A deal was made between you two and as promised he tutored you. He was irritating to say the least but he knew his stuff and was able to help you pass by a hair. One night you discovered something, you were starting to be attracted to him. It was simple things, the way he smiled, his rants were annoying yet oddly adorable, his teasing, it was all attractive to you. The problem was the ago old tale of you not knowing his own feelings, however despite your nervousness you had decided that today you ask him out. Yes, you, a person who most defiantly would like the guy to be the one to be the asker but you were getting no where with your probably not so subtle hints. He knocked on your door, your study sessions had to be moved to the evening due to club meetings. Everything was ready, chips, ice cream, books, computer and varying other items. Since you were gonna be asking him out you also dressed nicely, a V-neck short sleeve top and jeans, casual, comfy, but nice. You opened the door to your place to let him in, "Took you a while." he teased.

You smiled, "Nice to see you too."

Izaya walked in and sat down at your desk with the textbook he brought. He turned around in his seat and patted the seat next to him, "Suddenly shy?" he tilts his head.

"Oh, um, no. I just zoned out." you excused. Walking over you sat down beside him. You both opened your textbooks and began going your work. Occasionally you'd glance over at him and catching a glimpse of his beautiful eyes grazing over the words he read.


"Y-yes." you jumped when he broke the silence.

"Tell me something, why can't you keep your eyes off me lately? " he asked putting his head in his hand looking at you with amusement.

You blushed, "Uh, um, okay... look, I've come to realise that I may like you. And well I was wondering if you would like to go out." you said it more rushed than planned. However on the bright side you had asked it.

Izaya sat slightly shocked at the fact that you had been able to work up that kind of courage. But he quickly recovered from it and slyly responded, "I'll think about it." And he returned back to his studies.

A day passed, two, three, a week, and two weeks till he answered you're question from that day. Today, the Raven wasn't meant to stop by since it wasn't one of the planned days. You laid on your bed worn out from so much work when you hear a knock on your door. Groaning you got up and opened it only to be pushed back and kissed rather ferociously due to the suddenness of it. You broke away about to yell at whoever it was until you noticed it was Izaya himself. He laughed at your reaction, "Did you enjoy my reply, (N/n)-chan?"

Your face turned red, "Y-you kissed me..."

"Isn't that what couples do (N/n)-chan?"

"Couples? We're a couple?" you said confused.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" he asked walking up to you.

"W-well yes but-" he cut you off by kissing you once more.

He smirked, "Well mission accomplished. I'll date you. So long as you stop looking around. I saw how you looked over at that jock in class. Can't say I was happy about it after you had confessed to me."

"You got jealous?" you laughed.

"Laughing at your boyfriend, huh?"

"Only cause it's surprising... All of this is. I figured you didn't care."

"To be honest I would've made you wait longer. But I guess you could say I can't really contain my desires for very long. Which is why I'm deciding to tell you now that I will date you. Try to not let it get to your head that your dating someone so devilishly handsome." he smiled.

"I'll try not to."

That's how it started...

This is how it ends...

When spring died...

"(N/n)-chan! Your handsome king has returned!" Izaya beamed.

You walk out with a smile, "Hi." you were in your pj's which we're basically a tank top and baggy pants.

He walked up and kissed you, "How's my angel doing?"


"Good... Cause you know I can't have my angel having a bad day. That would just be saddening." he says cupping your face. He presses your foreheads together and breaths in deeply. Taking your hands in his he rubbed them with his thumb gently. "You're so delicate, (N/n)-chan... just like an Angel should be. However, even angels have battle scares." he says as turns you to see your back of bruises caused by himself. "I'm so glad we got together."

That Day{Izaya X Reader AU oneshot}Where stories live. Discover now