The First Letter.

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Dear Mom,

Today is my first day of high school. It is difficult, extremely difficult. The school is very large compared to the middle school, and I have no idea where I'm supposed to be. There are so many people that go here. I think the pamplet said 1,700 people all together. That's way to many for my tastes. Dad said that high school is the best but I don't see it at the moment. Dad also told me to write you, he told me that he does frequently, and that it helps. I hope so, I miss you.

The seniors at the school are very rude they think they're better than everybody else I don't know why. Sometimes I wonder what about high school makes you so crabby? But then I remember you have to sit through seven hours of classes learning about things that you don't want to learn with that have no value to what you want to do with your life. I don't even know what I want to do with my life, maybe be a doctor, or is that too stereotypical? I don't know. I don't know a lot these days.

Jake is starting talk about you again, I don't think he realizes. Your "vacation" is taking forever for him. He misses you, we all do. I don't think that dad will ever get over it. He doesn't think we hear him at night, I know he cries, I know he's hurting. I admire him, he puts on this brave face, for Jake, for me. I wish you were here.

I remember that day in the park, when Jack fell off the monkey bars and you screamed at him for about 30 minutes because he scared you so horribly. I remember laughing hysterically, because as much as I wanted to pretend it didn't it scared me too. And then you hugged him, held him in your arms, and you cried. I don't know how long you cried but I know that it felt like a very long time it could possibly been anywhere from a minute to an hour but it felt like forever. And then Jake started to cry, and I ran over and hugged you guys and I cried too because we were so afraid that he would be hurt, but the relief was tangible. I wish we would have known that we wouldn't see you much after that because that I think Jake would have been more careful.



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