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As the due date approached fast, Phoebe and Ruby spent their days working to make sure everything was ready. Since their first purchasing adventure, they had acquired a whole closet and dresser full of clothes and toys for the baby. The nursery was almost all done. Last week, Ruby had worked on painting the room a lavender color as well as beginning to assemble the crib, changing table and rocking chair. This week the room was finally coming together; the furniture was placed around the white shag rug that covered some of the hardwood floor in the baby's room. The crib was decorated with the softest lavender and white bedding with the giraffe and elephant mobile overhead. Needless to say, they were on track for the baby's arrival in just a month or so.  

However, there was still one thing they were undecided on; the name.  Knowing the baby was a girl narrowed their options down, but still Ruby and Phoebe had an awful time selecting just one.  

It was Friday night, finally, meaning that both Ruby and Phoebe were both off of work for the night which, lately, was a rare occasion.  Phoebe had fixed dinner, with Ruby's help of course, and now the couple rewarded themselves with a relaxing movie night.  Taking a seat on the couch, Ruby helped Phoebe down next to her, adjusting her position on the couch where Phoebe was laying in her lap. Ruby brought her head down to kiss Phoebe's forehead tenderly.

"So what do you want to watch tonight, Love?" Ruby asked, taking her hand and brushing Phoebe's cheek. "It's your choice."

"I actually thought maybe we could do something else...?" Phoebe replied, suggestively eyeing Ruby. With that Ruby shifted her where she was sitting on Ruby's lap. Ruby brought her hand to Phoebe's neck, pulling her lips into a passionate kiss.  They stayed like that for a while, lips moving in sync while Ruby began tracing light patterns along her stomach.  Finally, Ruby's tongue ran along Phoebe's lower lip, begging for access, and her hand began trailing down past her bump.  Phoebe quickly separated them from the kiss, laughing to herself. 

"What so funny?" Ruby demanded, almost pissed that they had stopped.  

"I'm sorry... That's not what I meant by something else," Phoebe replied, her cheeks turning a flushed shade of pink.  "I was thinking we could talk about names for the baby..." Her voice faded away as she looked down at her hands that were resting on her fairly large belly.  

Ruby smiled as she gazed at her perfect wife being so shy and almost embarrassed at the suggestion.  "See, I was going to be upset that you stopped after getting me all hot and bothered, but picking out a name for our baby girl seems like an even better alternative." She kissed Phoebe's cheek and settled back into the leather couch, bringing her hands to wear her daughter laid inside of her wife.  She had felt bad for Phoebe these days; the baby became so active at night as they were getting ready to go to bed.  She couldn't imagine sleeping while something was perpetually kicking your insides.  For Ruby though, she loved getting to feel her baby move and kick, making the idea of this baby more real every second she spent near her. 

Ruby and Phoebe spent almost an hour on that couch, suggesting names, writing their favorites down and pairing middle names with their favorites.  At the end of the night they had about six names written down and paired with a middle name.  They looked at the list for a few minutes before Phoebe spoke up, "I think this one is my favorite." She pointed to the third name on the list. 

Ruby wrapped her arms around Phoebe's waist, hugging her close.  She smiled and looked at the name. 

"Finley Marie. I love it." 

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