01. the first day.

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chanwoo pov:

"chanwoo, wake up~~" I heard my mom say. I groan in respons. I just don't wanna wake up yet.

"JUNG CHANWOO, If you don't wake up now you will be late on your first day at YG academy." Mom said. right it's my first day in YG academy. It's one of the well known art schools. I really wanted to becoma singer since I was young and YG academy was my dream school. but actually it's only for kids who come from a  rich family and we are not rich. 

I hear you already questioning 'then how did I get into a school only for rich kids or wealthy family's'. Well, I got a scholarship to get in the school. I'm very happy about it but i'm scared at the same time.

"alright, i'm up. I'll be down in a few minutes." I said to my mom.

"Okay, breakfast will be ready by then." Mom said. She is a really good mom. she need to do everything alone since my dad left her for someone else. In the week-end I help my mom by doing a part time job in a cafe near my new school. I'm a waiter their together with my 2 best friends Jinhyung hyung and hongseok hyung. I quickly took a shower and changed in my schooluniform, I took my bag and went downstairs.

I saw mu mom already sitting on the dinner table eating her bread with jam. I saw that she made my lunch box too. she really is the best. I went to sit the opposite of her or as you can say my usual place.

"thank you mom, for the lunch box and for the breakfast too ofcourse." I said her. we ate our breakfast peacefully

"chanwoo-ah, i'll bring you to school today. okay" Mom said out of the blue.

"Why? i can go with the bus too or I just walk it's not that far away from here." I said. she really doesn't have to do that.

"I just want set my only son off at school. On his first day on his dream school." Mom said. I'm the only kid at home now. since my younger sister is with my dad now she will come back soon. I don't want to see my dad anymore. He said some hurful words to me and my mom when he left, i was already angry at him for leaving my mom like this.

"Mom, you really don't have to do this" I said to her.

"I insist" she said.

"Okay..." I gave in. if I can make her happy with that then okay.

we cleaned the table and we left to my new school. I was looking out of the window. The moment we almost got there I got nervous. All the "what if" questions played in my head. What if they don't like me? What if i'm not good enough? what if...

"Channie are you nervous?" Mom asked.

"yeah. What if i'm not good enough? Or what if I don't belong there? What if-" I got cut of by my mom.

"Chanwoo, you will do that good there. I know that & I believe in you . It is also your dream school sweetie. I will always believe in you okay. Don't be nervous nor scared. I'm always with even if i'm not next to you. i'm here inyour heart to protect you. okay" Mom told me. She tries to give me more courage. She is really the sweetest mom I know.

"Thanks mom" 

"Now we are hear. Fighting chanwoo-ah" she said

"Thanks mom" I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and got out of the car. I watched her drive away before I entered the school.

I went directly to the Secretary where you need to get your schedule and map of the school.

"hello, can i help you?" the lady of the ballie asked.

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