Burning Memories

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"Horus don't do this! Look what you are teaching your kids!" she screamed at him. They gray cat laughed at her and wore a disgusting, menacing grin. Behind him, the flame wall he set up grew bigger and bigger and grew hotter and hotter.
"It's too late Rose! I saw what you were doing with that guy! You betrayed me!" he reared up and scraped a large portion of her face off. Rose fell to the ground and let out an agaonizing scream. Bones stayed behind her with his brothers and sisters. His heart pounded so hard in his chest that he felt like it might burst out of him. Tears streamed from his and he trembled as he witnessed the next thing his father did. They gray cat approached the fallen black and white female with saliva and foam around his mouth. He laughed insanely. "Looks kids. This is what happens to cheaters. Your mother is a filthy whore!"
"Th-that's a lie...Horus..." Rose's head lifted a bit. "I was only asking...him for food... Because your stupid ass can't even catch a dead beetle!" she yelled at him. Horus growled and dug his claws into her neck. "Shut up!" Rose jerked in pain and Horus let go. Bones was surprised to see that she still had strength in her after the beating his father had given her. She struggled to her paws and stood up and faced him. Blood dropped to the floor from her wounds and mouth. She stood in front of him and his siblings, tail and fur raised and growling.
"You sure do have guts in your body." Horus chuckled mockingly. "But after tonight, they will be spilled all over the floor! You wanted food for our kids? We can eat you!"
"Run kids! Run and hide!" Rose yelled.
Before they ran, his parents leapt at each other and began a horrible fight to the death. The flames made the scene seem like a living nightmare from hell. Bone's older brother, Dane grabbed his attention. "Bones! Get in here!" he stood by a wooden crate with the opening faced towards a stone wall. Bones made a run for it. Just as he squeezed into the crate, his mother crashed against the wall beside the crate, spilling half a gallon of left over gasoline some humans left. The kittens wailed in fear. But Dane hushed them quickly. They all peered through the cracks of the crate.
Mother? Rose was still barely alive.
The kittens saw their father walking slowly towards Rose. He was beaten pretty badly and looked even more angrier than ever. Bones hardly recognized him. "Just let me kill you, Rose. Let me end you quickly."
"Never!" she roared. She grabbed the gallon of gasoline by the handle and jumped at him, spilling the black liquid on him and pushing him backward. But Horus quickly got up before he fell into the heat of the flames. He leaped blindly at Rose and brought her down. "You bitch! I'll kill you!" he sang his fangs into her neck and snapped it. Blood gushed out from the open wound. Rose's body made a few jerks and then stilled.
Bones froze with fear. He couldn't breathe or swallow. He felt so sick and scared that he might throw up his guts.
Horus didnt seem to know where they were hiding. He looked around, his blue eyes open but dark thick liquid inside them. He laughed insanely. "See that kids! Hahahaha! Did you see that!" he turned away from her body and blindly headed for the flame wall, laughing. As soon as he stepped into the fire, he lit up so brightly and the fire sparked fiercely. A terrible cry was swallowed by the flames and the last thing Bones saw was two blue circles being melted and then...

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