Am I A Sket

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Am I A Sket ?

Todayy wasz ma lil cusinsz burfdayy nd maah aunt wasz haviin a barbeque . Ma olda sis had left earlier to go help owt nd me nd maa yungaa sis wer goiin to go in a bit lata . It wasz goiin urp to three nd maa line had nrt stop bellin . Maa mum wernt kummiin kaa she had to work .I set owt ma clothesz . I wasz gunna wear , a blue , white nd orange checked top , lite blue jean shortsz nd black sandalsz wiif a black wayste belt . Maa lil sis wasz in tha bath nd i wasz wayttin to go in . Wen she gt owt i ran maa bath .

kayla ; lorell kaan yoo help me find an owfit

Lorell ; kayy

She creamed herself nd went to turn orf maa bath water . Wen she kame back she put orn her underwear nd waytted . I handed her a yellow , pink nd gold checked shorrt sleeved shirt , black legginsz nd black sandalsz. She put it orn nd stratend her long lite brown haiir . I jumped into tha bath nd washed . When i kame owt i creamed maa self , nd put orn maa clothesz . I put orn ma jewellery nd straightend maa siide friinge . I put tha rest orf maa hair in tight curlsz nd sprayed asz they hanged past maa shouldersz . I creamed ma smooth dark brown face nd checked maa self in tha mirror .

I gt out a hand bag tha size orf a just do it bag nd put in maa older cuzzysz nike brown hoodiie maa mum had bought hym . Dunna whyy doe . I than put in a spare shortsz nd maa laptop . In tha small inside poket i put ma fone , oyster , keysz nd green tin . I Went dwnstairsz nd tapped maa sister , signallin her to leave .

When we gt to tha bus stop , every one wasz stariin , We juh larfed in their faces . We alwayysz did daht to any one hu stared it wasz fun . We gt orn th bus nd goht orf like 12 bus stopsz afta . We ran to gt tha udaa busz nd cort it . Disz tyme we onlyy took 3 bus stopsz . Wen we gt orf we saw a group orf boyszz nd we walked past erm . Maa sis wasz onlyy two yearsz yungaa than me she wasz 13 nd i wasz 15 . She gt chursped mst kaa she wasz lite skinned . It goht to tha poiint tha i didnt care bwt boyysz orn road kaa all they wanted wasz lite skinned gurlsz . One tyme we wasz walkin thru ma dadsz mumsz endsz wen we had to past a group orf like 6 boyysz . Nw i nrt gunna lie liike four orf ermm were noiice . We walked past erm nd a boyy stopped usz . He wasz bre stariin at maa sis dern asked to tlk to er , she sed shesz in a hurry than he asked fow er digitsz . She asked hym whyy dun he mve to me instead kaa im hysz age group der he sed dark skiinned gurlsz are old newsz . Nw kaa i am a proud dark skinned gurlsz i started kussin . I wasz bre sayiin buh oor mum or sis are dark skinn , guesttin kaa he wasz , so yoor disin derm nw imagiin if a boyy sed daht to yoor lil sis , wort would yoo do . He sed hell knock ermm owt , dern i sed so should i call ma older cousiin to kum nock yoo owt . Maa sis wasz silent , she nuu daht maa cousiin would actually kum nd sort disz dumb breh owt . Dern he sed im sorry nd wort nrt . I kissed maa teeth nd walked orf . Maa sis followed afta tellin hym to loose er numba . I fiink he did kaa he aiint kalled til disz dayy .

The group orf boyysz rode past usz liike three tymesz ,dern one finally stopped . I wernt payiin attention kaa i fort he wanted to talk too kayla . I wasz changiin tha song orn maa fone wen someone tapped me . I looked urp nd saw sum Booooooom , Wen i sayy Boooooom i mean it truszs , lite skinned breh stariin at me . First i looked than bent maa hed dwn , dern he did it agen . I lifted maa head , leaviin virginty to playy thru ma earsz .

Me ; Yesss

Hym ; Kaan I geht yaa digitsz

Me ; wort to kall her.i sed lookiin at kayla

Hym ; no if i wanted ersz i woukld hav asked er

kayla wasz surronded byy three uda boyysz , she wasz juh larfiin buh i could tell it wasz a fake larf because she didnt go red .

Me ; ohh ermm kaayy .. I sed stariin at hysz beautiful liite brown eyesz , pink lipsz nd smooth skiin . Hysz haiir wasz cainrowed all back nd a little black elastic band held it togeda at the end . Hisz haiir came orn hysz back ... Wasz shorter than myne buh nrt byy farr .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2009 ⏰

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