My masked hero

15 4 1

A/N: sorry if it sucks i did my best

You began your journey. You were running away. You were sick of your life back home. Life their was awful. Your mom was an alcoholic and your dad was very abusive to you and your brother was addicted to drugs. It began to get pitch black. The moon light a path that led you to a stream. You took advantage of this and dropped your bag. You put your feet in the water and stared up at the stars. Once you got tired you put your bag against the tree as a pillow and laid down. As you fell asleep some figure laid next to you. Soon you finally awoke. When you noticed the figure figure you quickly jerked away. Calm down Riley, I wont hurt you. He raised his hand and hit your head hard. The impact was strong enougj to knock you out. When you woke up you were in a dark room. Finally your awake. Said the male figure

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