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Every night Bysma would arrive at the same spot underneath the tree covered by thick bushes. He would stare into the cliff side were the treacherous waters kept colliding ferociously against the sharpen rocks at the bottom. In the center of this death trap, was the creature of his fascination.

Like every night she was there, playing with her long hair. Her beautiful white scaled tail tucked neatly under her. Her chest was surrounded by collars made of seashells and pearls, thick enough to cover her breasts. She was a breathtaking creature. Innocent beyond any other he had ever witnessed. This was an oddity for him.

Bysmal mainly focused his time on young untouched human girls, lulling them into his embrace to feast on their blood. It was sweet and smoothing to his constant thirst, yet none had ever been able to smooth the creature from the shadows by their mere presence like this unearthly creature did. She didn't even know he was watching from afar but it filled him with enough calm to last for days. For misfortune that didn't smooth his thirst and the effects were starting to show.

His usual sooth skin started to crack under the need of fresh blood. His vision wasn't the best either, as his eyes dulled in color and clouded. His strength failed continuously and the shadows rejected him more often. He needed to feed tonight and soon, but he wouldn't leave before he heard her.

His train of thought came to a halt as he heard her sweet humming melody. His eyes instantly focused on the beautiful creature atop of the sharp rocks, while sea calmed around her giving her voice strength.

Oh luna

Querida luna

Imploro me escuches esta noche

Otro día pasa

Sin el clamor de un hombre en mi alma

Se acerca el día

En que yo me transforme en espuma

Te pido luna

Que antes de ese fin

Sienta la calidez del amor

He had closed his eyes as he heard her lyrics. Why was it she always sounded so sad when she was singing? He loved her songs, yet sometimes he wished she would sing a happy song. Her songs, even which lyrics he couldn't make out, always reminded him of a terminally ill person. Shaking his head from that thought he opened his eyes to stare back at the cliff side.

She no longer was there; instead giant waves collided with the pillars. He sighed defeated. He would never get the courage to speak to her. He was nothing but a coward, a coward obsessed by that which he couldn't have. Of all the things he could have obsessed over, he had chosen a mermaid. She lived in the ocean, in a place he could never reach even in dreams.

His head spun leaving him dizzy. Night was still half way through and he needed to feed. Leaving the tree he made his way back to the village. His stomach growled in protest, still he marched on. He needed to live in order to hear that sweet voice again.

Canarí traveled back home as swiftly as she could. Hopefully the moon would hear her prayer now. She was short on time and the least she wanted was to feel loved by a man, fish, she no longer cared in what shaped he arrived. She just wished for love, just once.

Swimming, she went inside her home. The cave surrounded by different colored algae that formed an enormous garden. It was a small comfortable place for her to live in. Long ago she had found the place and had seemed ideal and safe to raise her young ones. Now she only waited her silent disappearance between the waves as her final countdown reminded her all she never had in her life.

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