It's Not White. It's All Black.

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AN: Horror2015 StUnT80ylittletigsencryptedNightmares008lidsI know your expecting an action story - and I have planned one I swear- but I found this in my notebook and I am uploading it because I am super lazy... :) Anyway it's in parts and I am in love with it, because I planned it really welll.... :)

My trainers scuffed the loosley packed gravel of the school grounds, the sound hurting my ears. I had a pounding headache. I hunched my shoulders, preparing myself, as I walked into the classroom and headed straight for the back, hidden from prying eyes. The teacher's voice lulled me into a state of relaxation as I closed my eyes and pretended I was at home, in my room.

Walking along the English corridor, I started to hear muttering; catching a few snippets of convesation using words like: Freak, weirdo, Tom. I shugged my shoulders against their cold words, pulling my hood up on my jacket. Yet I couldn't ignore it. My headache came thundering back again, as my fists clenched with anger. They were talking about ME. I could feel heat rise up from my chest to my my face, my teeth grinding and my brows furrowing. I hated them- but I had to control myself. Anger rears it's head and I found myself struggling to breathe.
Oh no. Not again.
I picked up my pace so I was almost running- then one of the boys glanced at me, and I could see the evil glint in his eyes as he registered who I was. I could feel me face growing hotter and hotter and my breathing growing heavier and heavier...

"Hey Freak- in a hurry? Psychiatristappointment?" His cronies laughed and my eyes stung with tears, and it took all of myself control just to keep moving, keep pushing through the crowds of people that littered the corridors.

Then it happened.

I could feel my head growing heavy and spots of red flashed across my vision with every beat of my pounding head.

"Oh no," I choke, "Please hold it together, hold it together Tom- p-please .."

I sprinted into the bathroom and collapsed in one of the cubicles. Blackness was shrouding my vision fast and I could feel my breath quicken into pants, and my eyes rolled back into my head.
The bright lights of the bathroom faded, as I slipped into a sea of unconsciousness, hearing the constent loop of melody I always hear:
"Mirror Man,
Mirror Man,
Let me in
You can,
You can...

My limbs jerked as the melody faded, echoing in my head....

Mirror Man.... Mirror Man....

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