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Hi everybody! The heat wave is unbelievable...Special thanks to MK for reading and everybody who takes the time to give this a chance.

If you are actually enjoying this press the star and for God's sake comment a's getting lonely. Btw have a look at my other work Best Harry Styles fanfiction stories. It is basically the best stories  I have read on wattpad and believe me when I say I have read my share and I have created that list to help you out choosing a good piece of work but be aware that some contain mature content unsuitable for people under seventeen so read at your own risk!


"Marry me"

I thought I misheard and I couldn't hold back the chuckle that escaped my lips.

"What?" he looked at me, brows furrowed eyes questioning my reaction.

"You can't be serious?" I was still smiling almost laughing as if I had heard the funniest thing.

"I haven't been more serious in my life..." he took a step back and crossed his arms at his chest having the most disappointed expression.

"Harry, you haven't even signed your divorce papers yet and you are asking me to marry you?" I smirked nonchalantly.

"I guess you have just given me your answer" he stated bluntly frustration evident in his posture, tone and gestures.

"I guess I did Harry" I retaliated unable to comprehend where this statement came from. It was immature, totally out of the blue and inconceivable. " can't be considering something like this when we have been together for a few months, your divorce and custody procedures are far from finalized, I'm still at uni, I don't have a job, you have child support and...and...and most importantly I am nineteen Harry, freaking nineteen" I was shouting by the time I finished gasping for air as I said everything in one breath.

"I see..."he whispered.

"Harry?" I moved closer and he stepped back raising his hands as if to defend himself.

"No, are absolutely right. Who am I to fuck with your precious education and your dreams and your I am not part of it obviously" he fought back.

"Harry..."I tried to reason with him.

"'s fine really, I get it...I'm just a guy who is crazy about you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you...who fucking worships you...I'm...I'm no one important" he continued ironically pacing up and down the room.

"That's not what I meant by this and you know can't ask me to marry you because you are threatened by a guy I have no feelings for just..."

"Can you honestly tell me that you don't have feelings for all" he interrupted his words dripping fear and doubt.

"I do have feelings for him Harry..." I answered without even thinking twice as I couldn't deny the connection I had with Leo since we were very young "...but they are not in the least the same feelings I have developed for you...they are a different kind" I tried to explain.

Partly relieved he wanted further explaining "What kind? Because from I witnessed last night and your reactions towards what happened I really don't know what to fucking make of it..." he finally admitted.

"If you really don't know then I am not sure what this is between us" I motioned between him and me and my eyes brimmed with tears.

"I really don't know" he pushed it and I sighed.

"So you have actually proposed to me just to make sure I don't run to Leo who I have told you repeatedly I am not interested in romantically?"

" totally get it Valerie...I am just a guy who is a nuisance and there is always going to be something in the you are not sure about your feelings and you don't want to invest in something risky and troubling..."

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now