Act 1 - Part 1 - Death and Life

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Authors note

Sorry for such short chapters but I want to make this last as long as possible for my future readers. I hope you love this and trust me it will get better. Comments and votes will also be of help to make this a great story for you guys. Hope you enjoy!


3rd P.O.V

A figure in black slips into the girl's dorm unnoticed by any. A glint from a dagger shined in the dim light hanging from the ceiling. The shadow opens the door of a student named Norik Paku.

Paku is sleeping on her bed with her roommate no where to be seen. The figure held the dagger in its hand above the head of its victim slowly creeps it down towards her white, fleshy throat. The shadow quietly chants in Latin to the sleeping girl.

Ut tenebrosa nocte animam tuam repetunt a te levitate Hey do you post mortem.

A quick slash of a knife down the base of the throat starts to drain the life, and blood, of this young girl. Her soul was slowly seeping out of her sleeping body while a smile grew on the killers face.

Da mihi memoriam vestram iuvenes mortale.

Blood drips down the bed onto the floor and forms a sticky, maroon puddle. It grew larger and larger by the second and seeps into the wooden floorboards. The shadow then takes its finger and strokes it gently collecting the blood on its finger. The figure then wipes it on its tounge and proceeded to leaves the room.

Gratias tibi.

The figure bumps into a girl with violet hair that looks to be heading to the same room it just left.

"Hey watch it stupid," says the girl.

The figure just walks on by as the girl passes. She opens the door and turns on the light.


The figure turns and smiles chanting only one more thing before leaving the dorm for good.

Suprise stultus.

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