⇨Chapter One⇦ Something New (803)

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"Tyroonneee," My mom shouts in my face as she opens up all of the blinds in my room. I hiss at her and shove my face into the pillow, "Oh come on my little vampire," she yanks the covers off of me causing me to curl up in a little ball, "Come on. Get dressed. It's your first day of highschool." I groan, annoyed, as she dumps some clothes on my head.

A few seconds after my mom finally gave up and left my room I groggily opened my eyes and sat up, the clothing items falling into my lap. "Black," I whisper, smiling, Perfect."

I slip off the only item of clothing I had on. My boxers. I hop into the shower and immediately grab the 2 in 1 Shampoo & Conditioner bottle and squirt some in my hair.

After I got out I shake my head and then dry it with a towel not even bothering to try and make this mop on my non-human head look somewhat decent. That's right I'm an alien. My mom? Well, you see, she's basicly just my alarm clock for things because I don't understand these weird devices called 'phones.' A figment of my imagination that bosses me around. Wonderful.

After I got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt with a creepy looking demon cat thingy on it, I wish up a pair of Beats headphones and place them on my head, plugging them into my phone. I turn on Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin (the only thing that I can actually do on this weird device.)

Grabbing my backpack and shouldering it on my right arm, I head out the front door just in time for the bus. I quickly hop on and take my seat on the left side of the 7th row next to no one. I crank up my music and lean my head against the window looking out at the slowly passing trees and picket fences kinda wishing that the bus could just hurry up and get this day over with and so that I could also possibly discover some new power of mine. Only two years ago I figured out that I could wish up things just with much concentration and the snap of a finger when I wished that Misha Collins was in my bed. He was very confused as to what was happening... as was I but hey, he's fine... I think.

After half an hour of listening to music that is probably way too loud for my sensitive, elf-shaped ears to handle, the bus finally came to a stop at a large school. My new school to be exact. The old one kinda burned down last year... Hey! Don't look at me. It wasn't my fault completely... I just really wanted some hot men with nice complection to replace all the ugly ones with zits but apparently I wasn't concentrating hard enough and all the guys turned attractive and on fire!

I dug my schedule out of my coat pocket and looked at the first class of the day, "History... great," I rolled my eyes and stepped off the bus. I looked at the three buildings, "Shit, which one," I spot a teacher who was standing by a bus blabbing his mouth to another teacher. I walked up to him and patiently waited as he talked about his family and their problems and how his son was acting weird suddenly and kept locking himself in his room asking not to be bothered. My mind started to drift off to weird places and before I knew it the previous teacher was in my face asking if I was alright. I leaped back in surprise, getting in a battle stance but quickly regretting it as everyone was now staring at me like I had a third eye or something, "S-sorry!" I left my arms by my sides and bowed. Hey, like you can do better!

I hear him laugh and then feel light pressure being placed on my head, "You know," he begins, "You remind me exactly of my son."

Suddenly I get a sharp pain in my forehead and everything goes black. I hear voices shouting but they are incomprehensible. Is this... the end?

Hey guys! I hope you like this story so far. I've been working really hard on it. Also, the song he was listening to is in the media center or whatever it's called so you can go check that out if you want C: I sincerely love that song. It's kinda weird at first but the drop is just perfect so at least listen to it until you reach the drop. Anywho~ Thank you so much for reading. Please vote//follow//comment for moorreee. Buoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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