Middle School (1)

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My first day of middle school. Oh dear, what knd of new people will I meet? How many enemies will I make? What kind of people are my friends going to be? This is going to be nothing like elementary!

"Smile! Stand up straight and look up!" My mom snapped me out of my thoughts and brought me back to earth.

"Mom how many pictures are you going to take? At this rate I'm going to miss the bus." I said slightly annoyed by all the pictures.

"Okay okay just one more! It's just I can't believe my little baby girl is growing up! Okay now get on your way. Don't want you to miss your first day!"

"Okay bye mom"

The day was going by pretty slow. Every class I knew one person at the least, but then again not alot of people from my elementary came to this school so I guess I got lucky.

Then I went to my orchestra class.

"Pick one card then sit at the chair with your card."

What the heck, I'm going to end up with some kid that is going to be mean they all are already judging me, I shouldn't of worn my glasses, I should have put my hair down.

Then someone sat next to me, I glanced over to see who he was and he seemed pretty nice.

My legs started to feel wiered and my stomach had a weird feeling.

I looked down at my feet before he saw me looking at him.

Out of the coner of my eye I can see him looking over right at me. Don't look, don't speak, and stay completely still.

Why am I getting so nervous? I want to make new friends, I want to talk to him. No don't everyone is judging stay still and you'll be fine. Trust me cause I'm what'll keep you alive!

"Alright class!" The teacher came in silencing the already silinced stdents, "Now what I have planned is-"

I was looking at my converse boots when she stopped midsentence. Looking up I felt two pairs of eyes, the one from next to me and the ones staring right back at me. Already my face was turning red.

"You two, didn't you hear me when I was handing out the cards? Or are you guys just little rebels. I told you guys to sit in the first three rows and you guys are in the, hmm...", she paused counting up the rows, "ah the sixth! Now come up and join the rest of the class."

I looked at the boy next to me and he looked back and smiled. I felt my entire face turning red.

I went to a seat of one so he couldn't sit next to me. I was so nervous but why?

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