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Josh's POV 

It started as such a normal evening. I did everything normally. 

Woke up at 5:30, had a shower, ate breakfast made by my lovely fiancé Jenna, got dressed, went to work at my dad's accounting firm, put in my eight hours there, went home, and had dinner with Jenna.

I was ready for a relaxing night at home with the love of my life, maybe watching movies with a glass of wine or planning more details for the wedding. However, when Jenna came from the laundry room and gave me a pout, I knew it meant I would being running a late night errand.

So now I was waking home at eleven thirty at night, a small bottle of fabric softener in my hands. I pass an ally on Main Street, which was next to the Main Street Bar and Grill. I was walking right past, as I normally do, until I heard rustling and a distressed groan that sounded female. 

I hid myself behind a trashcan and peeked into the ally. A small red headed girl was being held against the wall by two large men in hoods. The larger of the two had her pinned against the wall, his enormous hand covering the entire lower half of her face, preventing her from screaming properly. 

The other was smiling at her, waving a gun in her face as he spoke, I strained my ears trying to hear him.

"Two years Hayley! I waste two years of my life on your innocent little ass!" The armed one shouts in her face. He then takes the gun and caresses her neck with it, his eyes darkening.

"Watching you flaunt that perfect little body, teasing me." He said lowly. He looked back at her eyes.

"But, my dear Hayley, the teasing is over. I've come to collect what I've earned from you, and my friend here is going to make sure I get it without any problems." He said, nodding to his friend who held her down. 

The girl, Hayley, shook her head furiously. I could see the fear in her eyes from here, and a tear trickling down her face. The guy with the gun noticed she was crying and shook his head, wiping her tear with the gun.

"Shhh, don't cry honey. It's gonna be just how you wanted it, sweet and slow. And if you don't move too much I won't have to hurt you, okay?" He said. His friend uncovered her mouth and she said nothing. He took her silence as a yes.

"Get her on the ground, hold her arms." He instructed his friend, and he did as he was told. 

As she was restrained on the ground, I noticed she began to cry once more. The bossy one put the gun behind him on the ground and pulled his pants down slightly, then unzipped her jeans and brought them to her knees. Suddenly I wondered why I was just watching this happen. Then I was running into the alley.

"STOP!" I yelled.

They all looked up at me, the two men annoyed, and the girl still petrified. The bossy one spun around, picking up the gun and pointing at me. I averted my eyes, as he was still exposed. Now though I could see him, he looked young, he had bleached blonde hair and a light stubble. His friend, who was also standing now with the girl in a headlock, was clean shaven and mostly brunette except for one blonde streak running through his hair. 

The blonde one cocked the gun and smirked at me.

"I think you best go home now, this doesn't concern you. It's between me and my woman." He said glancing back at the girl.

Somehow I had gained enough confidence to speak, "nice to see how you treat her!" I sneered. 

He gritted his teeth and steadied the gun, "you are one dead son of a-ooof!" He was cut off by the girl kicking him straight in the groin. Without a second thought, I pushed him into the wall, knocking the gun out of his hand. His friend tried to get me off of him, but I flipped and slammed him into the wall with my back and threw his blonde friend into a few trashcans at the opening of the alley, seemingly knocking him unconscious. I don't know where all of this heroic behavior came from, this wasn't the normal, boring, pencil-pusher Josh Farro I usually was. 

The skunk haired one jumped on my back but I got him off and he jumped in front of me and began choking me. I saw the satisfaction in his face as he saw the light leaving  my eyes. Then there was a loud pop, and his face went blank. His grip around my throat loosened and he fell to his knees. Behind him stood a frightened red head with a gun in her hand, a little smoke coming from the gun's barrel. 

She cocked the gun again, still pointing it at me, I held my hands up in defense. All of the sudden we heard the blonde one screech.

"You bitch! What did you do?" He yelled looking at his friend's dead body. 

He began to lunge at her but I quickly ran to her side, placing my finger over hers on the trigger and pulling back. I hit him square between the eyes. As his body fell limp I went into shock. I just killed a man. Soon sirens began blaring in the distance, getting closer. 

The girl dropped the gun, wide eyed, and began scaling the fence at the back of the alley and disappeared into the darkness. As the sirens got closer I realized I had to make a decision. I quickly picked up the gun, tucking it into the back of my dress pants, and climbed over the fence as well. 

As I ran into the night I heard the rustle of metal behind me, the cops must've climbed the fence! I ran passed a small brick shed, only to have a small hand reach out and pull me behind the building. She put a hand on my mouth, instructing me to stay quiet.

Eventually the footsteps softened until they disappeared completely. She nodded towards a small window just above our heads. We both climbed in, the place was illuminated by a single lightbulb on a single string. She sat down on a small bench and ran her fingers through her hair frustratedly. The way she did that reminded me of Jenna.

Oh my god Jenna! I forgot about my fiancé! I killed a man and witnessed the killing of another, then ran from the cops! My life is over! I'm going to prison for a girl I've never even met!

What the fuck have I done?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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