"Please Gods please let us be together!", "I FORBID IT!" the god said with a strong voice, (sigh) why won't they let us?, why are the heavens and hell enemies?
going to the gods....
"oh... Alina what will i do with you? as long as you follow my orders but (sigh) your so hard to deal with..." Im very stressed, (ring ring) oh someone is calling from the hell side "hello...yeah...mm...WHAT?!.. wait no thats a good idea, ill do that bye... i know that you hate me BYE" ok lets call Alina
going back to Alina...
"do you hear me, we can't even be together at least we get to have connection... yup really lucky, oh wait sorry someone else is calling me, don't worry Im not cheating on you bye" Oh its God, he's calling me?! I'll have to fly real fast... 20 minutes later
"your calling?", "yes, i will give you a chance, you'll have to redo your pain and redo obstacles... It means you'll need to go back to the human world with your devil friend... But if you two don't meet, one of you must die", i was quite unsure, so i ended up accepting it. Me and my lover came to God again in the other day, God was creating us then we disappeared and sent us to the human world to be reborn. At first it was dark and didn't know how long it would take to stay at this dark place but it was a short time then there was a light going bigger and bigger and i saw the world. There were two people in front of me all the time smiling... I figured that they were important people, so i lives my life normally until i started high school.
Lost Angel
Randoma girl named Alina with blond hair , an Angel of kindness... Fell in love with a devil, just a usual love story but angels and devils are usually enemies, and Gods won't let them be together. But the Gods decided to give them chance and let them rei...