Poor Little TimmySpiderButt

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Little Miss Brookie
Sat on her tooshie
Watching Mofffat
Give teasers for Doctor Who
(And Sherlock too!)
When along came a spider
And sat down beside her,
She screamed and ran away.
The poor spider just wanted some friends, but every time he tried talking to some one they either run away, or try to kill him. The spider sat, sobbing, and wondering why no one liked him. Maybe it was because he was ugly. Maybe it was because he ate insects. Maybe it was because they didn't want to mix races. But whichever one reason, it was not right. And his dear old mother decided to find out why. Problem was, she was very aggressive and bipolar. Her quest to find why they were treating her son this way, and to make it stop, ended up with people being more scared of spiders.

Poor Little TimmySpiderButt.

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