Chapter One - Announcement

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Adrian Lunettos woke up to a bird's chirp. He stares out at the clear sky, there on the windowsill lay a bird twitching.

"Poor thing" he thought "must of flown right into the widow."

With a gentle push-off, the bird flies away. As Adrian showers, he thought of the uneventful day that was awaiting him. He sighs stepping out of the bathroom and changes into his uniform.

Adrian steps into the dining room and was immediately greeted by his parents. Adrian was an only child and had the highest grades in the entire school.

"Morning Adrian~!" greeted his mother in a sing songy voice. "how was your sleep?" she asks. Like every other day.

"It was restful." he replies, not bothered about going into details. "I will be going, mother, father." he says exiting the house.

"Adrian! At least eat your breakfast!" calls his mother from the doorway.

"I'll just eat the vitamins tablets if I get hungry." he replies. "I doubt I will though" he thought to himself. With that he hurries to the train stations.

Mrs Lunettos watches as her son disappears into the distance. "That son of ours. He rarely eats. Already the top of the school and still continues to work himself too hard. He doesn't even try to socialize with others, he sticks to his friends and friends only. What will his future be?" she asks her husband.


Adrian was still walking to school when two of his friends decided to scare him from where they waited. "Boo!" shouted Andrew and Loxton at the same time, jumping from behind a building. Adrian wasn't easily scared. Andrew was a small boy who had glasses. He had clear blue eyes and blond locks, unlike Loxton who was tall in height, brown eyes and dark hair. Andrew was well known as the cute prince, Loxton on the other hand was known as the handsome gentleman.

"Not a very good choice in area." Adrian muses, doing a roundabout check on the building. "From hiding behind this building at this time of day, we can very easily see your shadow if you're not careful enough."

Loxton rolls his eyes. "Adrian, we can do well without your lectures. Let's keep moving, Alex and Ben will be waiting for us up ahead."

Alexander and Benjamin were twins. Alex and Ben for short. They both had black hair and dark eyes. they were so identical in everything they do it was hard to tell which one was which. Sometimes they would even swap classes if they didn't like the subject they were doing. Well who knows? They were a funny pair.

Adrian walked for no more than 5 minutes before stopping. Calling out to no one in particular. "Show yourselves Alex, Ben, I know your behind us."

The others looks at him confused. 'What are the talking about? There's no one there." Andrew stuttered. That was when the two twins chose to show themselves. "Jesus!" exclaimed a very alarmed Andrew.

'How did you know?" the two twins asked.

Adrian smirks. "Easy, I smelt lilies."

The two twins eyes bulged a little. It was a pretty funny sight. "Are you a hound or something?" Alex asks. Or was it Ben?

"No, not really." replies Adrian. " The wind blows from the west. Since you were behind us, it was only logical. you guys tend to play at the Rose gardens with your little sister. So it's normal you'll have the smell of flowers about you."

"Just what you'd expect from our school's top student." laughed Loxton. "now let's go Einstein or we'll be late. And that's pretty much a bad thing since it's also the first day back at school."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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