Wattpad Interview With JanetMarieGrivois. By: Moody_Moods

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Wattpad interview with the

talented Wattpad author


By Moody_Moods

1.) For the record, will you

please state and confirm your


My name is Janet Grivois and I

live in the middle of nowhere

Maine, which suits me just fine.

2.) What gives you the

inspiration to write?

Everything! The rain outside,

the color of a person's sock, a

picture of an odd door in a place

where it shouldn't be. A line

spoken by a friend, the smell of

the ground when it's too hot

outside. You can find inspiration

anywhere, and really, creativity

is inspiration itself.

3.) You have a depth to your

stories that reaches out to the

readers and makes the

characters you've created come

to life, do you become

emotionally attached to your


Each character, each plot line,

each moment, each line written

is a part of me. That's why not

everyone writes. It's hard to do

and if it were easy, then

everyone would do it and it

wouldn't be special anymore. Its

not a joke when they say a

writer'bleeds' on the page, it's

true, each character is our child,

our mother, our father, a slice

of our very own DNA.

4.) If so how do you distance

yourself from having to write

about a death scene of a


I don't. I turn on music (I have

an extensive playlist from Rob

Zombie to Enya) and let it that

moment, that scene, capture me.

I dive into those scenes. There is

one guarantee in life and that is

death, and writing it is simply

another part of life. I work at

as CNA (certified nursing aide)

and I see death every so often

(twice a month?) and each is

unique, different, and it should

be emotional. So, I embrace

Wattpad Interview With JanetMarieGrivois.  By: Moody_MoodsWhere stories live. Discover now