; six

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emily's pov

"wanna get out of this place ?" alison asks, as my heart fills with joy.

"okay," i say fully waken up, as she smiles.

"she !" she says with her hand on her mouth. "i don't want them to come. i just want the two of us."

i blush crazily before getting out of my sleepover.


alison enters my car that's is parked in front of spencer's barn. "come on," i rush her, not wanting the others to hear.

"so where do you want to go ?" i asked.

"um i don't know." she said. "ooh, make a right," she jumps as i do so.

"i'm hungry, aren't you ?" ali asks.

"i suppose, i could eat,"i sheepishly said.

"hmm.. we should do something before though. i'm kinda bored," she says.

"up to you," i mumbled, keeping my eyes on the road.

"well, there's this guy who always gets me alcohol, he sells it for cheap," she responded.

"oh good. how much ?" i ask looking for money in my wallet.

she put her hand on mine and said, "don't worry about paying him, i just flirt with him and he gives me then for free," she snorts, as i laugh lightly.

we were driving for about 5 more minutes before alison told me to park, at a house. there stood a man in front of the porch with a table of drinks. he had light brown hair, that was in a buzz cut and blue eyes and was probably in his late 20's or early 30's.

we walked to the porch and he the man fixed his eyes on us. "hey, alison," he said biting his lip. she rolled eyes.

"who is this beautiful lady?" he asked looking at me.

"she's Emily and she wants some drinks," she said.

"ooh, what you thirsty for, girl?" he asked seductively.

alison was quiet for a second, until she got the message. "ugh, she's thirsty for vodka, so give me  a bottle" she said.

"whatever you say, babe." he winks as  alison rolls her eyes.
as he got the vodka, alison looked at me and smiled.

"here ya go, sweetie," he said handing her the bottle.

"whatever, let's just leave." i say, not wanting to be around this creep for any longer

once we got in the car, ali opened up the bottle. she offered me a sip, so i just too a swig. "so, did you guys ever like hook up ?" i ask randomly ,but curious. knowing ali, she did like older guys. 

"only once," she says before drinking out of the  bottle, surprising me. i thought she was way to good for him. she could've done much better, even if it was just a one time hookup.

"oh," I say, feeling a ting of jealousy. 

"anyway, i'm hungry. let's get some mcdonald's." she says happily.



"can i get two burgers?" alison asks the lady on the intercom, while in the drive through.

"anything else?" asks the lady.


"okay. your total is $6.54." she says as we drive off.

the lady hands us our food as i pay her the money.

"have a safe night."


"mhmmm! this burger is awesome!" i say as alison and i eat in the car.

"i know right," alison agrees, as she chugs a soda. "i can't really eat this stuff that much."

"oh," i say, as i remember that she's the type of girl to watch what she eats , and watch her weight.

"you're really lucky, you know ? you can eat all the junk food you want, and just swim it right off," she lightly chuckles.

i just nod and give her a tight lipped smile, before we both take another bite out of her burgers.

"you should really take me to a waterfall one day," she suggested. "wouldn't that be fun? just the two of us, swimming in the clearest blue of water. ugh, things like that make rosewood feel so boring," she complained. 

i quietly agreed and let my thoughts roam on the fact that ali thought about me too. 

- 20 minutes -

"okay, i'm full," ali says crumbling the wrapper and throwing it out the window.

"me too," i say sitting back, feeling a little nauseous. "I'm tired too. let's go back to spencer's."

"no, let's go to my place," she abruptly says.  

i raised my eyebrows, giving her a questioning look. "it's too cramped in spencer's."

"o-okay," i stutter."


we get out of the car and head to her house. before, ali opens the door she looks back at me and says, "you have to be quiet, em. my parents are home."


as we made are way upstairs i just thought.
lately, i've been..developing feelings for alison. feelings i've never even thought of before. alison makes me feel some type of way. and i love it, i love being around alison, i love making her laugh and smile. alison is the highlight of my day. but..i don't know if she feels the same about me. i mean, she flirts with me, but she then she pretends that it never happened. she's confusing- mysterious, and a handful. but that's what i love about her. only if she loved me back

"Emily?" alison says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"yeah? " i answer.

"what side do sleep on?" she asks, referring to the bed.

"I don't know. the middle?"

"i sleep in the middle too," she smirks. like that.  she always flirts with me. or so i think.

i get in the bed and i stare at the ceiling for a few moments. silence fills the room as i focus on ali's slow breathing. 

"ali?" i ask not sure if she's awake or asleep.

"yeah ?" she mumbles.

"tonight was awesome. it was fun, spending it with you. i like spending time with you," i say lightly.

alison turns and looks at me. she starts to intertwine our fingers.

"i like spending time with you too, em.

the first time i saw you ↬ emisonWhere stories live. Discover now