Chapter 1: Meeting Justin Bieber

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"Rebecca, you don't want to be late for the first day of school do you?" my mom called up the stairs to me.

"I'm up!" I said and jumped out of bed.

I opened my closet and spent at least 10 minutes trying to find an outfit. I decided on a spaghetti strapped yellow tank top and a white jacket with pink flowers over it. The pants were grey skinny jeans. I went into the bathroom and combed my hair and put on some makeup. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked as I sat down at the table.

"Waffles," she said as she set my plate out in front of me.

I finished breakfast and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door. "Bye mom, I love you."

"I love you too."

I made it to the bus stop just as the bus came around the corner. I know what you're probably wondering, why does a 16 year old ride the bus? It's because my mom won't get me a car.

I sat in my seat and plugged my iPod in and listened to music. We got to school and I walked to my locker. I got all my things and walked to my first class.

The teacher greeted me with a handshake and said, "Hi, I'm Mrs. Taylor and I'm gonna be your math teacher for the year. You may take a seat wherever you like." She smiled.

I noticed my two best friends Jackie and Brenda were in this class so I took a seat in front of them. "Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Hey," they said simultaneously. Just then I saw a handsome boy walk into the class. He had brown hair and brown mesmerizing eyes. He was so cute. The teacher told him the same thing she told me.

I saw him walk towards me and I started getting butterflies. It was then that I realized who he was.

"Mind if I sit by you? It's kinda the only seat open," he asked.

"Not at all."

He sat down. "I'm Justin."

"I know. Who doesn't know who you are? You're Justin Bieber."

"Please, I wish to be treated like a normal kid."

"Alright. I'll remember that. So I could show you around if you'd like." Please say yes.

"Really? Sure, that'd be great! Thanks!"

"So this is the lunch room obviously," I told Justin as we walked into the cafeteria at lunchtime. "Do you want to sit with us? If not that's cool too."

"No, I'd love to. You're really the only person here I know."

"Alright." We sat down at the table with my friends. "Guys, this is my friend Justin. Justin, these are my best friends Jackie and Brenda," I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you," Jackie and Brenda said simultaneous.

"You too," Justin said. Then they started talking again. I turned to Justin.

"So what class do you have next?" I asked.

"Gym with Mr. Matthews."

"Cool. Me too." And we got into a big conversation.

•1 week later•

I've known Justin for a week and we're already best friends. The truth is I don't wanna be just friends. Too bad he doesn't feel the same way about me. I would tell him how I feel but I'm scared about what he would think and that he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. So I guess I have to keep pretending.

Today him, Jackie, and Brenda are coming over. I'm cleaning my room so he won't see how messy my room was.

I finished right when the doorbell rang. Just in time. I walked downstairs to open the door to see my two smiling bffs. "Heyy," they said.

"Heyy," I returned. "Leggo!" I said and ran up to my room. I plopped down on my room. "So what do you want to do until Justin gets here?" Then I heard the doorbell ring. "Never mind." I ran downstairs and opened the doors. "Hey!" I said and hugged him. To be honest it felt so good hugging him and I never wanted to let go but eventually I had to. Too bad it was a friend hug.

"Hey Becca." I feel butterflies every time I hear him call me by his nickname for me. I wish I could just pour out all my feelings but I just can't take that risk.

"Leggo!" We ran to my room and sat down on my bed. "So what do you want to do?"

Then the three of us girls looked at each other and then said in unison, "Truth or dare."

Justin groaned. "Please?" I begged.




"Please." I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He gave in.

"Yay! I'll go first. Justin, truth or dare?"


"Okay let's see.. Oh, do you have any hidden talents besides singing?"

"Well I can do the jerk."

"Let's see it."

"Alright." He stood up and jerked and us girls laughed.

"Haha I never knew that you could jerk so well," I teased.

"Yeah well there's a lot you don't know about me. Becca, truth or dare?"

"Hmm... Truth."

"Do you like me?"

"No," I lied.

"Oh." He believed me. I hope.

"Jackie, truth or dare......."

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