I wish I wasn't here rite now Jamie said to herself. I wish I was dead Jamie said to herself. As her grandmother is ranting on about Jamie father. You where fucking raised by a drunk Susan said to Jamie . He doesn't spend any money on you he spends it all on fucking beer Susan yelled. You would be better on being raised by me Susan said to Jamie . My dad is not a drunk Jamie said to Susan. So your father doesn't drink Susan said. On weekends yes Jamie said. Well what about Cuba Susan said. That's Cuba Jamie said . I'm going for a walk Jamie yelled.
Jamie calls her mother. Mom I can't do this Jamie said to her mom. Can't do what Jess said to Jamie. She's going on about how dads a drunk Jamie cried. I'll come get you Jess said. I'll be there in 2 hours Jess said. Jamie gets home from her walk.
I just got a call from your mother Susan yelled. What did she say Jamie said. That she's coming to get you Susan said. So I told her not to bother and that your fine Susan said. No said Jamie. Your such a little brat said Susan. I don't want to stay Jamie said balling. Your over exaggerating Susan said. Jamie runs to her room and locks the door.
Sam called her mom. Mom you have to come get me Sam said. Ok I'll be there in 20 minutes Jess said.
Jamie goes outside. Jamie dose 1 lap around the house walking. Then she jogs 1. Than she sprints 1. Than she dose high knees for 1. Then she dose 5 more jogging laps. On her 6th jogging lap her mom pulls up.
Jamie runs in the house and grabs her stuff. Jamie jumps in the car. Thanks for picking me up mom Jamie said. No problem Jess said. How many laps did you do Jess asked. Idk 9 why Jamie said. Just wondering Jess said.