Chapter One

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×Grim's P.O.V.×
My father couldn't stand the sight of me when I left with my pegasus Stitches. He looked away and Cerberus whined, their head down towards the ground. I felt sadness, but not a lot. Hades taught me not to feel emotions, he said they get in the way.
The gate to the Underworld closed as we reached the surface. Stitches took one swift pump of his wings and we were high in the clouds. I had to meet a demigod in the clouds. His name is Rave, he is the son of Styx.
About half an hour late we crossed paths, he had black hair and you can tell he was strong.
"I'm Rave," he spoke. "Are you Grim?"
"One and only," I smirked.
A saw a small smile cross his face then fade.
"Follow me," he turned and led the way.
We rode side by side, Stitches was obviously tired.
"Can we rest," I asked. "Stitches is exhausted."
"Grim if shadows get you I'll get in trouble," he said. "We can't."
"Could I ride with you then," I asked.
"Sure hop on," he said pulling his pegasus beside Stitches.
I hopped on his horse and called Stitches into his pendant.
"How did you do that?" Rave asked.
"My mom gave it to me before she died," I spoke quietly. "She taught me how to use it, Hades always said a demon couldn't mom did..."
"Do you," he asked
"I don't know..." I fell silent.
His arm pulled me in front of him and he rested his head on my shoulder. It comforted me a little, but my father always told me I could never love, and I will never be loved. If he is right I don't know what I'll do.
"Look down there," Rave pointed to a field. "Soon we'll be at camp and you'll get your cabin."
We landed in front of cabin 13.
"I bunk in here," he said. "I guess we stay in the same cabin Grim."
I looked up at him and he smirked. His hair covered half his face and he is half blind.
"Let's get your bed ready," he said gently.
When he opened the door the scent of smokey smell reminded me of home. I saw a skull hanging on the wall. The walls were painted black and there were black curtains.
"Rave this...this is amazing," I stuttered.
"Haha I cleaned up a little before you got here," he said. "I didn't know what you were like so I got some roses earlier. I had a new mp3 so I gave it to you and it has an I tunes card with it. I want you to be comfortable."
I ran and hugged him.
"I am comfortable Rave," I said. "Thank you."

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