My Summer Romance

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"Put your hands on your head and slowly turn around Beighley!" said Sheriff Wilkon. I whip around to face him with the can of spray paint still in my hand and smiled at him. "Oh hi John! Funny running into you here!" He just glares at me. Geez seems like someone's in a bad mood tonight.. 

"Cut the cute act Beighley. You know exactly why I'm here." he crosses his arms arcoss his chest.

"What ever could you mean? I haven't done anything." I say innocently. He just glares at me harder. 

"Oh really? Care to explain why that can of spray paint's in your hand then?" He lifts his chin in the direction of my hand. I just give him a sickly sweet smile and say, "Why of course John. You see, I was just walking on by when this can of spray paint caught my eye and being the good citizen that I am, I picked it up and was just on my way home to dispose of it correctly. In my trash can. Where it won't hurt any poor little animals." He raises his left eyebrow and gives me a disbelieving look. 

"You sure? Cause your name spray painted on the school says completely different."  I turn to face the schools wall and give a completely disbelieving gasp. "My God! How in the world did that get there?!" 

"Enough Beighley. Just get in the car." I turn back around and shrug. "What ever you say Sheriff!" I walk over to the car and get in the backseat. Far too accustomed with doing this. Sheriff Wilkon gets in the front seat and starts to drive towards the police department. 

I don't worry much because this wouldn't be the first time I've been there.  The longest I've ever been in there is for 5 hours and that's only because my parents  thought that keeping me in there for awhile would "smarten me up", but obviously not. 

Oh, incase you were wondering. My names Beighley Johnson! And yes. I am what you would call, your stereotypical "bad girl". I get in fights, trouble in school, trouble with the law, bad grades, an I don't give a fuck attitude and the list goes on and on. 

I lean torward the front to get closer to John. "Hey John, you mind putting the radio on? It's boring in here and you're really not the greatest company someone could have." He just completely ignores my existence and continues driving. Well alright then. I see how it is. I take out my iphone planning to turn on music but I notice that I have a text instead. I unlock my phone to see who it was, but it was only my brother, Nate. 

* you've really done it this time beigh. mom & dad are pissed.*

I just roll my eyes and text him back. 

*well i wasn't expecting them to be over joyed by what i did haha*

*no seriously beigh. they're already at the station*

Well that was fast. I was expecting to be in there for at least a little while, but whatever. The sooner they're there, the faster I get to go home and go to sleep. I don't bother on texting Nate back because we're almost to the police station anyways. 

Five minutes later and we're pulling into the parking lot. John gets out then comes around to the back to let me out. I step out of the car and give him a smile.

"Well aren't you just the little gentleman!" I go to pinch his cheek, but he moves out of the way and glares at me. This man does a lot of glaring. Probably hitting his mid-life crisis.

"Just go inside Beighley." He gently pushes me towards the enterance of the station.

"Alright. Alright, I'm going!" I made my way to the enterance with John following closely behind me. Probably making sure that I don't bolt on the last second. I can't do that cause my ride is inside and I really don't plan on walking the 2 hour walk back to my house. I silently laugh at myself. Yeah. Like that's ever going to happen.

"Beighley Rose Johnson! You don't even realize how much touble you're in right now young lady!" My mom yelled across the room. I was too busy laughing at myself that I didn't even realize that we were already in here. Oh well. 

"Hey mom! Hey dad! How's it goin'?" I give them a big smile and little wave. Mom just glares at me harder and dad looks like one of those cartoons, where at any second steam's going to start coming out of his ears. Now that would be something!

"Alright. Well we'll just get everything done now so you guys can take her home." John says. Ah what a smart man he is! 

"Oh she's not going home. That's for sure." I snap my head towards my mother. 

"What do you mean 'she's not going home'." I glare at her. Well this certainly doesn't sound good. 

"Exactly what I said. You'll be going to your grandparents for the rest of the summer."

"The rest of the summer! The summer just started yesterday! I had plans made you know!" I'm pretty sure I'm the one who looked like steam was going to start coming out of my ears now. 

"Well you should have thought about that before you decided to vandalize the school!" It was pretty obvious that we were both really mad right now.

"I wouldn't call it vandalizing. More like, creative design. But there's nothing to even do down there! No one at all to even talk to!" I'm not even kidding. The last time I was there, which was when I was like 10, I remember no one around. That could have also been me because I never really left the house, but when I did there was no one around!

"Well I guess you're going to just have to suck it up because you're going. End of discussion." She turned towards John and started the whole releasing me process. Through this whole thing dad hasn't even said a word so I decide to look at him. He's just looking at me. 

"Dad, you're not seriously going to send me to nan and pops for the summer, are you?" He suddenly smiles at me. Oh that's never good. 

"Oh but we are. This is what you need. Some time away from things. To maybe clear your head and understand things a little bit more." I glare at him and turn towards the door. As I was walking away I shouted, "I'll be in the car!" 

I can't believe they're doing this to me! I don't need to understand things a little bit more. I know exactly what I'm doing. What about my boyfriend, Aaron! Not that I was really going to miss him, more like miss the trouble that we get into together. It's not that I don't like him, but I certainly don't love him. I'm kind of just with him because my parents hate the fact that I even know him. Thinking about Aaron, I decide to call him and tell him what was going on. I take out my phone and type in his number. He doesn't pick up. Well alright then.. I try again. Still no answer. 

Maybe he's busy.. I guess I'll try him another time. I open the door and climb into the backseat. This is going to be the worst summer of my life. It's not that I hate my grandparents, it's just that they're old and so is their house. I'd be surprised if they even had Internet by now.. Probably not. Oh yeah. This is definitley going to be a bad summer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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