Chapter 1 : First Day

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I tip-toed my way across the long, quiet room. I think you could even hear my slow, ragged breathes. First day jitters I thought to myself. I like doing that a lot. I mean thinking. Just you and your brain. I feel like it gives me some space, you know? I think about everything and nothing from cookies to soil or air.  

I shuddered, feeling the bitter air in the dusty room. I glanced around looking at all the rooms around me. I saw a door - it was tall and cherry red with delicate designs all around it. I turned the knob, I haven't seen this one yet. I advanced into the tiny room. I groaned. The room was empty again! 

I checked the time. 7:30 25 for minutes till the bell. You guys are probably confused about what I'm talking about. You see, I was in the school's dungeons - yes, dungeons, on the first day of my senior year.  

My school is humongous. It's practically a castle with the towers and all but very modern at the same time. We have state of the art technology for the classrooms but on the outside it looks like a big Victorian castle with stained glass windows. I walked out of the room and took one of my favourite secret passages in to the girls washroom. I love secret passages, I'm usually in one of them somewhere or off discovering them. There's just something to it that gives me butterflies. I feel like Nancy Drew stuck in the classical era. 

I quickly stepped out, making sure there were no girls inside. I wasn't sure what I would say if they saw me. Well, they can't really do anything when you practically own the school. I peered into the mirror, still not used to my face. I had recently gotten my hair dyed back to its originally colour - blonde. It wasn't the fake, blonde colour most of those popular, orange bimbos use - it was strawberry blonde with shades of brown - all natural. It was wavy most of the time and it came above my waist. I wasn't obsessed with my hair, but what I really loved about me were my eyes. I don't mean to sound all egotistical or self-centered but they were light green-hazel and when you look closely you can see flecks of gold and blue.  

The rest of me was simple : I was 5'5 , creamy, I didn't have those amazing curves everyone else had, I was more on the skinny side. That's probably because I love to play sports. Name it and I play it. I looked down at my clothes, my ripped jeans were dusty and my top was a little dirty. Thank god , I don't like wearing makeup. 

A scuffling noise snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked around and saw a few freshman girls looking at me an awe. Oh well, here goes nothing.'' Hey Girls'', I chirped , turning around and picking up my teal Jan Sport bag. The short one - with brown hair stuttered '' Uh,oh, um, y-y-your Sk-Sky..'' She was cut off by a tall, fair skinned girl ''Sorry about her, My name's Regina, and those are my friends, Lanni, Clair and Jen. I know who you are'' She plowed on, '' You're Skylar Cross, everyone knows you'' I sighed inwardly, this one's going to be trouble, and her name's Regina. How Cliché. If you ever watched Mean Girls, you'll know what I mean.  

Looking around, I mentally memorized their faces - I had photographic memory, something that was good and bad. I still can't forget the time I saw Granny Janet's undies. Ugh, Another girl, the red head, Jen piped up '' You're really nice, just like my brother Scott said, you know him right? " " Thanks! and Yep, I'm probably going to see him soon'' The last girl, Jen sneered " You're also Percy's enemy aren't you? I feel for you, not being able to love him. They left soon after that, not wanting to meet my dark side.  

I stormed out of the washroom, pissed. How dare she! I never want to fall in love with that sleazy jerk. I hated him, I hate him, and I always will, right? Now's probably the time where I give you an explanation about everything. My family and his, have hated each other since forever. IT all started when this school-Cross-Ryder Academy -was made, centuries ago by my great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather Skylar Cross and his best friend , no sorry, scratch that, ex best friend Percy Ryder. Now, when I think about it, I'm named after my great times 6 grandfather and so is Percy. 

Weird... Anyhoo, that's why I was in the dungeon. I was looking for a diary, the one that would be the key to all the answers because I knew deep-down no matter what my family said, there was some dark secret that made them hate the Ryder's so much. I had to get to the bottom of this. 

I was so deep in thought that I bumped into someone and starting falling. I looked up and speak of the devil and the devil's here. I growled at the boy in front of me.

Percy's P.O.V

I looked out the window while I was driving, watching the simple, white snowflakes blow around me like a blizzard. It was all white, blinding and I couldn't see a thing. Next thing you know, it was all dark and the last thing I saw were a pair of beautiful hazel-green eyes that weren't quite brown but weren't green either.  

I woke up, sweating and cold even though the house was toasty warm. I had the dream again, and like every time, I only saw the eyes. I tried to go back to sleep again and find the face but I couldn't. Ever since the accident, I couldn't go to sleep without dreaming about the girl with bright hazel eyes. Might as well get up, I thought to myself, it was the first day of school anyway.  

While I got dressed, I looked in the mirror, and I saw a boy with messy jet-black hair, and piercing blue eyes with secrets. I also had a scar hidden just underneath the shaggy mane of hair. Sure, I had abs, but then who doesn't these days. I don't see what all those girls saw in me. Who am I kidding? I'm gorgeous or handsome, whichever one you want to use. I hate that most people assume since I'm rich , I'm full of myself. I really don't think of myself as the greatest person on earth but I am proud of myself.  

"PERCE, Get yo ass down here" My best friend Ashton Green hollered interrupting my train of thoughts. I ran down the stairs, yelled a quick goodbye to my Mom and soon we were on our way to school. 

In the back seat was my other best-friend Jake Thorn munching on a bag of Lays. Typical Jake, at least he remembered it was my turn for shot gun. As we were driving , Ash brought up the unspeakable topic. "Did you guys see Skylar Cross new profile picture? She looks smokin'hot" I glared at him "No! I hate her, why would I have her as a friend?" "Sorry bro , but I had to, you have to see her, I mean it she looks good. And you know I rarely say that, but why do even hate her- sorry them- so much." Ashton just met us a few years ago, so he didn't know me as well as Jake, but they were like family.  

Jake piped in " The Ryder's and Crosses have some old family hatred like Romeo and Juliet except no one's in love - yet. You never ever talk about Crosses in front of the Ryder's and vice -versa. You also don't socialize with any of them and if they do something, don't be afraid to give a punch." He plowed on "Skylar's dad stole Perce's Dad position as Mayor, then Sam- her twin stole P's place on the football team, then a few years ago her Mom spilled juice on his Mom's and it goes on and on...." "What do you mean no one's in love yet" I exclaimed the same time Ash said " Looks like you guys go way back and don't hate Sky personally, just her family, but there must be some reason why everyone hates each other" Jake just chuckled and smirked at me with a knowing smile.  

For the rest of the ride I thought about what Ash said. There must be some reason why everyone hates each other. Some reason. Those words played again and again in my head.  

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that we were inside the school and bumped in to someone. Skylar. I looked down and saw angelic face and her beautiful blonde hair. Blonde. Oh! She must have died her hair back. Suddenly, she tripped and fell on top of me. My hands immediately wrapped around her petite waist, she was so skinny. As we fell, my eyes found her's. They were beautiful, brown like chocolate and green like fresh spring grass. I was lost in her deep, sparkling eyes. I've seen those eyes before. I just can't remember where. WOAH! Did I just all that about my so-called enemy? And did I just call her beautiful. GOD! Jake's words replayed into my head No one's in love - yet. Romeo and Juliet. No one's in love - yet. Romeo and Juliet. "Ryder" Sky's clear, melodelic voice jolted me back to reality. " Cross" A look of understanding passed between us and we had a momentarily truce. We nodded and walked away in opposite directions.  

"Woah" Ash breathed " What was that" "What do you mean?" Jake chuckled again and smirked as we walked to class. This was going to be a long, long, year. 

Whispers began all around me but I shut them up with a look of course, because I was Percy Cross and I got everything I wanted and right now I wanted answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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