My boyfriend is a werewolf! WHAT THE HELL!!!

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I was walking from the parking lot to my school,

Woodbury high, when I suddenly came across a huge group of people surrounding what I think was a black stretch limo, I was about to go up to some one in the crowd and demand to be told what was going on when a familiar face came and greeted me, it was my best friend Vicky. "Not another snobby rich kid, haven't we got enough in this prison already?" she moaned. " Yeah, tell me about it." I said miserably " Can't they just go to a posh, rich school not our rundown prison they call a school?"

" I know, why have they come here anyway, it's not like this school had any specialities or good subjects ! I mean the closest thing to business studies we have hear is selling candy every lunch time and even then we don't make much of a profit, isn't that all what snobby rich boys want to learn, ?" Vicky said questioningly.

Then as I looked up I saw a astonishingly handsome face, the type that you wanted to run up to and kiss! I didn't realise that I was staring at him until I noticed Vicky clicking her fingers in front of my face, quickly stopped staring and composed my face, turning a deep shade of red.


Suddenly I heard a loud bell ring and I realised that I was alone in the parking lot thinking about the mysterious new student, as I'm walking to my first class, chemistry with Mr Weller, I bump into something hard and then I hear a crash, and I seen all of my books are on the floor, I try to pick them up quickly hut then a strong pair of hands picks them up and says in a very hot voice " Hey, I'm Luke. It looks like I have same first period with you. Oh and I'm sorry for bumping into you, I guess I didn't see where I was going."

"Oh no it was totally my falt, I should have been watching where I was going. But thanks for picking my books up, it was very thought full of you."

As i swiftly sat down at my desk I found a very eager Luke sitting in the seet next to mine, I quickly squeeze into the chair next to him which I tried to keep as far away from him as possible but some how it didn't seem to work, I was always to close. The lesson went in a blur because I was very distracted by a certain someone because they kept moving closer to me but as soon as the bell rang I ran out of the class room as quickly as I could and went to my next lesson, History with Mr Green. It turns out that I have Luke in my class for most of my lessons but that doesn't bother me because I already sit next to someone in every class so I don't have to go through the distraction of sitting next to him again, thank god.

Finally, the end of the day, I was beginning to wonder if the day was ever going to end.

I quickly made my way to the parking lot and ran to my car but then all of a sudden I felt a muscular hand on my shoulder.... Then I quickly turned around and saw the an angel in front of me, it turns out that it was then snob that was in all of my classes,I believe his name was Luke, he said " Hey, I noticed you in my classes and wanted to talk to you, by the way can I just say that I think you are incredibly adorable! What's your name?"

I blushed at his kind words and then replied " I am Kimberley, and um thanks. ". Then suddenly the unexpected happened, he leaned in and crushed his lips into mine, I kissed him back in the same passion that he kissed me with and then all of a sudden I felt electric shocks run through my body but in a sensational way, why did i just kiss him?I have just met him and yet I can't stop kissing him, his lips feel so warm and soft against my lips and I never want the kiss to stop, but sadly he pulls away with a smile on his lips. What just happened?!?


Sorry that it was kinda short I will make the next chapter longer. I promise.




Love you guys!


My boyfriend is a werewolf! WHAT THE HELL!!!Where stories live. Discover now