Chapter 1 - P.O.V All 8

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I walk down the overfilled hallway, where everybody is being shoved or getting lost in the sea of bodies. I try to avoid the crowds but sometimes it is inevitable. Some give me stares but I am used to it. I am known as the nerd of the school and it doesn't help that the teachers worship me. I can't help that I am super smart. It is in my bones and blood. It's basically all my parents care about and so I don't get any out of school activities which equals no social life which equals no friends. Thanks parents. At least I will get some amazing job. I'm in year 11 but doing year 12 work. Apparently they might put me into uni next year which I guess could be a good thing.


Seriously, what's up with us having to go to another assembly. They think we are as thick as a brick. Everyone wants to be seen with me because the whole year is there and they want to be seen with the most popular kid. Lots of people offer but I want to sit with people who won't worship me for a change. I sit next to Jay ( my best mate ) and this girl named Flick. Flick just ignores me and just talks to her other friend who I think is called Sam. Jay really wants me to come to his house to organise a party which would be sick and we just talk waiting for everyone to file in.


When you think of the most boring thing in the world and make it ten times worse, it is like the Morina Secondary School's assembly. They usually tell us stories about the achievements of staff and students and I am just like, I actually couldn't care less. Tray always makes it more entertaining because he would make a snide comment and then I would tell it to Alaska. And it becomes a small game of Chinese whispers. We would always try to contain our giggles but sometimes me or Tray's would just be overly loud. Today, there was more excitement in the air then usual. The teachers were looking all looking happy at all the year tens, it was just so creepy. As usual, Mr Dudarri started of the assembly with a greeting. He just blabbered on about the year ahead and so on. Then as Mr Dudarri finishes up his speech he introduces somebody else. She is introduced by the name of Ms Louise Parker. This is unusual to have someone who is a special guest without warning. This must be why the teachers are so excited. I tell Tray to stop whispering in my ear so I can listen to every word. "Thank you Mr Dudarri. I am excited to be at this school to announce a special opportunity for 8 year 11 students to go to the National Special Operations Unit for a one in a life time experiences. These year 11 students have been chosen by your principal Mr Rocket for the specific requirements that we gave him. I will now invite Mr Rocket to the stage to announce the students who have absolutely no idea that they have been chosen."


They chose Morina for this trip. Small little Morina. Mr Rocket walks up to the stage. The year 11's are on the edge of their seats even Leo who is sitting next to me. "Ok, Now that Mr Rocket is up here. We will begin. Please come up if I call your name. Willow Downs," of course she is chosen, smartest kid in the school. Willow walks up as confidently as you could when you are so surprised. "Felicity Evans". I am slow to register my name as I am more commonly know as Flick. Sam elbows me in the stomach to get me to stand up. I walk up there with a bit of excitement and nervousness. Why was I even chosen? The rest of the seven names are called out. Edward Mistle, Ashton Rider, Jay Malin, Alaska Fraser, Tray Armour and Leo Eastwood.


I am totally surprised and take it as some sort of Joke. Just some sort of overly exaggerated boring excursion. We all were told to go to a small class room after the assembly. Ms Parker follow us into it. "I am very excited and hope your are to for this experience. Your parents have already been notified and have agreed. You will be there for 7 weeks. You are to pack tonight and only pack essentials. No mobiles or any contact to the outside world. We are to leave tomorrow" I watch the other kids reactions and recognise who they are again. Of course I know Ash and Alaska because they're my best friends. Leo and Jay are popular as. Man, I wish one of them would turn gay for me. I've never talked to them. I have talked to Flick a couple of times. Willow and Edward tend to keep to themselves. Edward was put down a year last year so everyone has given him shit about it and he has really not been accepted. They all look dumbfounded at the news. She lets us go and tells us to go straight home and to get ready and pack and get all the essentials.


I have to go home early. It's crap. My parents hate me and it's horrible at home. I take the bus home and walk in and rush to my room. My parents probably want to just get me away from there lives. They just want to mould me into the perfect girl but I'm really not the perfect girl so they punish me for it. It is the reason I have worn long sleeves my whole life to hide the bruises. I haven't told anyone this. Not even Ash or Tray. I just chuck the essentials in and try my best to find stuff that I have to replace the stuff I don't have. My parents come home. My Dad comes to my room. He asked me if I have finished packing and I reply nearly. He is not happy at this answer and whips me in the back. I grit my teeth. If I scream he does it harder and doesn't stop until I stop screaming. He slashes me five times. "Finish up! and here is your dinner," He growls and gives me the usually, A chicken roll. I head to bed after packing, fearing they will come in any minute and punish me for being awake. I swear they just punish me for being alive.


I was restless all night. I wake early and go to eat breakfast. My mum was pretty sad about me leaving for 7 weeks. It was a long time but I was excited. They drove me to school and were silent. As we drove in, they just hugged me and kissed me for like 3 minutes. I saw there was a mini white bus waiting for us to arrive. Ms Parker and a guy with military uniform was standing there. He was holding a gun. Wow, this place must be pretty intense. Willow and Alaska were already there. I tried talking to Alaska but she didn't like to converse. Me and Willow were more successful. We talked about what we might be doing in the 7 weeks. The others gradually arrive and we left at exactly nine.


We got onto the bus. The seats were facing each other. I sat next to Leo. We all sat quietly at first then Leo started a conversation. "Wow this is obviously totally awkward. Lets actually start to get to know each other. Lets start of by telling the group something that we probably don't know about each other to ease the tension. Hi, I'm Leo and I actually don't like being popular. I purposely sat next to to people at the assembly who I knew would not worship me. Thanks Flick and Jay." He eyed Flick and I. "Jay, can you go next?" I started speaking, "I'm Jay, I'm terrified of storms, Like no joke, there terrifying. I gave a nod to Edward. "You guys are the first actually people I have ever been in a van with and I am happy it is you." We all smiled. "Flick, please go", Leo said. "I am... We heard loud piercing noises. "Get Down!" The military officer yelled. The van came to a stop. The military got his gun ready but the time it took him to fire, it was too late. The blood splatted on his shirt. We heard a blast and then the world went white.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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