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Hey guys! How is everybody? Thank you so much for almost 5K. I can't believe that there is someone actually reading my story. I missed all of you so much. Please comment and that star xxxx


My voice was yet to come out realizing that Harry was not the one to answer the phone.

"Hello..." the girl repeated.

"Can I speak to Harry...please?" I almost whispered feeling like an intruder.

"Harry?" she paused for a few seconds. "Oh Jesus I have accidentally answered your phone Harry's exactly the same phone sorry...didn't even look before I answered" her voice was thinning fading until I could hear Harry in the background.

"Hello?" he said and I couldn't let go of the weird feeling in my stomach.

"Harry?" I repeated.

"Hey are you?" It didn't escape me that he hadn't called me babe or love as he would normally but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Hey..." I nearly forgot what I wanted to tell him.

"Who answered your phone baby?" I tried to sound natural as I really hated clingy girlfriends who were all over their boyfriends the moment they realized another woman was close by although I don't think Harry would have granted me the same reaction had I been in the company of another male over the age of ten.

"''s Ashley from the lawyer's office..."he continued.

"Oh I'm sorry you are obviously busy, you are in a meeting with the lawyers...sorry I'll call you back..."I replied relieved with what that was.

"No, no...she is not...em...can I call you back?" he said and I nodded as if he could see me and I felt so stupid when I realized.

"Yeah sure..." I said and hang up.

She wasn't what? Damn I didn't get to tell him about the course and I really wanted his input...

"So? What did he say..." Rose's head popped at the door examining my mood.

"Em...I didn't get to tell him yet...he was in a meeting..." I told her without explaining much.

Coming in my room sitting on my bed facing me she let her thoughts unfold. She always did...never held back...a trait which is either valuable in a friend but at times extremely annoying.

"You know I have always shipped Varry..." she said in a serious tone and I couldn't help but chuckle.


"Yeah...Val and Harry...Varry?" she explained as if that was the clearest thing in the world.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "Are you ten?"I laughed out loud.

"Shut up!" she smiled and continued.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by a certain clown...I have always shipped Varry. However I feel that this isn't something to discuss with Harry. It is a decision you need to make on your own sweetie. You will be gone for a month. It is hardly a long time and this will help you with your career. If your relationship can't survive a month then what kind of a relationship is it?"

I hated it when she was so right and she was always the voice of reason. I shouldn't have to ask. The only person that needed to be notified was my mom as she would be the one to fund it and that is exactly what I did. I called my mom to tell her about it and she was more than supportive telling me that she would cover all expenses and she also offered to come over with me when it was exam time to help me out should I needed her. My mom, my rock...

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