1 - The Beginning of the End

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"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." Seneca

Steven's P.O.V.

15 years ago – London General Hospital

I was pacing the haunting white halls, waiting for any word about Andrea. I wasn't alone. Her brother, who had become a close friend, was sitting on a chair with his head in his hands. We both felt useless. It felt like my entire world had just crashed and burned right in front of me.

Andrea and I were married only hours ago. That's the reason we now wait in the halls of the hospital in London. I knew about her background. I knew that she was a goddess which made me panic more because she had fallen for a simple-minded man like me. I also knew that she had made enemies through the course of her life. What I didn't know was that some of those enemies would stop at nothing to see her dead.

Which is why we are here, waiting for news on Andrea's condition. We didn't have to wait long before a doctor came and walked towards us. Loki stood up as he neared, standing by my side as the doctor stopped in front of the both of us. "H-How is she?" Loki stammers, fidgeting nervously.

"Which of you is the husband?" The doctor ignored Loki's question which made me nervous as I answered the question he had asked.

"That would be me. Is she okay?"

"She's not in the best condition, her body has just about given out and is barely keeping up." The doctor looks at the clipboard in his hands. "I'm going to offer you a choice," I swallowed nervously, "you can either decide to take her off the supporting machines she's on right now or you can give up your child to save her." Everything froze in me at those last words. Andrea was pregnant?

I was torn now. I didn't know how to decide. I wanted Andrea by my side for the rest of our lives, living happily into old age and surrounded by kids, grandkids and maybe even great grandkids. I couldn't have that if I let her die. If I decided to 'give up' the child as the doctor had put it, there was would be more opportunities to have kids later.

Loki looked at me. I looked back, completely torn between the choice of my wife or my child. "Steven..." I looked back at the doctor.

"Save her." I whisper. "Please save her." The doctor nods before walking back the direction he had come. I sat in a chair and held my head in my hands. I was going to be a dad. Those dreams had just been dashed against the rocks like a boat in a storm. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my left at Loki.

"You'll have more opportunities to have kids Steven." Loki says, like he could read my mind. Hell, he probably did.

"I know... But that doesn't make it any easier." I whisper. I didn't know then just how right I was. Things from then on just got more complicated. That doctor wasn't Andrea's doctor and I didn't realise that until the actual doctor came out to tell me that she was dying.

That doctor ruined my life, broke Loki's heart and changed the Andrea we all once knew. If I ever see him again, I'll kill him. I'll kill him for my wife, I'll kill him for my broken brother-in-law and I'll kill him for the life of that unborn child that didn't need to be sacrificed in order to keep my wife alive.

I will make things right again, no matter the cost.

A/N: Welcome to the second installment! It has been a while, I wanted to have a cover for the book before I started updating (one is on the way). I also wanted to have a few chapters under my belt. Please don't hate me for the end of first book! That being said, you may need to read the first book in order to understand what's going on in this book but you don't have to. I've read series out of order before but sometimes it does help to know what's happened previously.

This is a shorter chapter, it also acts in a way as a sort of recap. Because of certain events that will happen in story the POV's will mostly be Andrea and Steven, with an occasional appearance of Loki/other Marvel character POV's.

A lot has happened the last 18 months, but I'm very excited to continue on with this series as I love it so much. I'm gonna ask for some patience as I am starting my second degree this year and it's gonna be a bit full on, I will try my best to keep regular updates (I know I say that a lot).

Also this chapter is dedicated to @FirstGray I know you were looking forward to this :).

I hope you enjoy this book!


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