The Cherry Blossom Fic

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I am so sorry , that's all I am going to say .


Today me and Phil were going to do a Hamani as Mimei and Duncan recommended it . I decided to dress nicely to impress Phil as I knew he had a weakness of me looking all fancy . I went into the bathroom and had a shower , Phil was still asleep and had no idea of the Hamani , I really wanted to surprise him .

As I got out of the shower I heard Phil moan and get up . "Hello Kawii" I said as I entered the room with a towel around my waist . " really Kawii ? " Phil said raising a eyebrow . " well we are in Japan " I said then Phil nodded and got up . " so what will we be doing today ? " Phil asked . " Just get dressed nicely " yes I also had a weakness of him looking fancy . I walked close to him and kissed him on the cheek .

He smiled and walked into the bathroom and started to remove his clothes and well I could not resist looking at him , his beautiful body , I could cry over the beauty . Phil looked over his shoulder and saw me staring at him and he started to blush . " Oh Phil there is not need to blush I should be the only blushing , you're body it just so beautiful I could not help but look " Phil started to blush even more " Please do not look at me when I'll be naked , I'll be embarrassed " Phil said looking down in only his boxers . " Why should you be embarrassed ? You are really beautiful and we've seen each other naked before " I said hopefully re-ashoring him . I looked away to please him and I knew he was smiling .

I heard him go in the shower and I heard him humming to a song , I could not recall it at first but then I knew it was the pokèmon theme song so I started to sing along too , or well started to hum not really sing . I decided to get dressed and I closed the curtains and got dressed , I did not mind Phil looking at me . When he got out of the shower , he came into the bedroom and asked me If I could look away , since the hotel room was not really big ( but still amazing ) the bedroom was not really a bedroom it was more like a living room with a bathroom and 2 beds . I went on my phone while facing the opposite way to where Phil was and decided to go on tumblr. I saw this cool edit , one which wanted me to tell the truth and one which was creepy .

Once I finished scrolling I looked behind me and I covered my mouth . There was Phil , blushing , and dressed really fancy . He looked amazing and I had such a pun in my head . " Wo-o-w-w Am-mazingPhi-il " It was the best I could do as words couldn't come out of my mouth . " Now let's go " I asked Mimei and Duncan to get the food as I didn't want to carry a picnic basket as Phil would notice . " Can you give me a hint of where we are going ? " Phil asked me in a childish voice . I raised my eye brow and he said " Please ? " I could not resist " Cherry Blossoms " I saw his eyes light up as I knew Phil loved cherry blossoms , considering he had many plants back at home he had no cherry blossoms , which was weird .

When we arrived at the hanami I signaled Mimei and Duncan to leave the things as we came to our destination . When we came to the picnic area where we were going to have a picnic , I saw Phil's eyes started to water . I loved him so much , this made me so happy to see him happy . " D-dan this is amazing , wonderful , uh just t-tha-ank y-you " Your welcome Kawii " I said then kissed his cheek . I started to tear up a bit , my feelings where being thrown all over the place .
Three hours later
We finished the picnic and Phil took some selfies with the cherry blossoms and we went back to the apartment . Before we left I saw some branches on the floor and decided to pick them up and I placed them in the picnic basket and told Mimei and Duncan I will return it tomorrow , I just needed it to hide the cherry blossom branches .
20 minutes later
We arrived in our hotel room and Phil went to the bathroom . I was so nervous . I was going to propose today , Phil made me the happiest man alive , I know most people said that but I actually think so . We have our fight , which are mostly over Mario cart , but we loved each other so much and I realized that over the time we've been together , Phil just mad me happier and happier . I had no idea what type of ring to get but I got a simple one as they said online to get .

" Phil ! " I said , starting to cry , while holding the box . " Yeah Dan " Phil said coming in . " I need to ask *sniff* you something " I said , I was full on crying and I saw the worry in his eye , I tried to stop crying to make sure he would not worry . " Phil we've been together for a long time , we've seen each other at our bests and not at our bests but we still loved each other " . I went down on one knee and I saw Phil started to smile . " Would you Philip Michael Lester make me the happiest man alive , and I mean it , and marry me " . Phil was crying , I was crying . He placed his finger on my chin and pulled me up and kissed me . We ended up making out , like really making out . He started to play with my hair and I started to take off his clothes . I loved Phil with all of my heart and the things we went through were amazing and I knew I need to spend every second of my life with Phil . I took of his shirt and started to unbutton his jeans and Phil started to unbutton my shirt .

We both were naked within 3 minutes and Phil was on top of me within a second . " P-Phil " I moaned out . It was pleasure . I looked around and saw the cherry blossoms and I took them out , it was hard but I managed . " How about we play with these ? " I tried to say it suductivily but when you there is someone naked pressing into you . I screamed as Phil started to press into me even more . " PHIL " I said . " Sorry Dan " Phil said . I told Phil to stop and to lay on the bed with his butt in the air . " Okay now , tell me if you want it to stop " I said to Phil . He nodded and I stuck the branch up his butt . I heard him moan a bit and he started to scratch the bed . After a while I wanted to join in the fun so I asked if Phil could do it to me . I felt it coming up my butt and I moaned quite a lot , it hurt but the fact I knew Phil was behind me gave me the thought of it being  him . " Phil " I moaned and he stopped . " Is this what engaged couples do ? " Phil asked . " I guess so " I said

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