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"This is the child you chose? Of all the children you could pick, you pick this one?!?" A dark figure yelled with anger.
" Calm your self brother. He may not seem like much, but with the right push he could be some thing we've never seen before" the slim figure calmly replied.
"I... Fine!! If this is the one you choose to link your self with, know that you do not have my approval Avalon" said the other still frustrated
"I know Mont...I know. But watch. He has the sight, even though he fears it"

"Mum have you seen my bag" yelled a scruffy haired boy. He was wearing a blue flannelette jacket, a purple shirt and black jeans. He had brown eyes and brown hair. He was  tall for 13 and his name was Samuel "No dear, can't say I have. Sorry" said his mother.
"Samuel" a quiet voice whispered.
"Yes mum"replied Samuel
"I didn't say anything Sam" remarked mum
Oh great, one of these moments thought Samuel. A ghostly finger reached out only to disappear again when his mother came to get his attention.
"Are you having one of those moments?" she asked with worry in her voice.
"It's nothing. Well, I'm off to school. See you later mum" called Sam
"Ok. See you this after noon. Oh, and don't forget the meteor shower is happening tonight" his mum called after him.
"Oh yeah... the meteor shower. I forgot about that. The bus is here though so I'll think about it later" he said to himself.

Another day at boring old school thought Sam. From his first subject math, that he liked to call mental abuse for humans because that's what he decided it is in truth, followed by English before Greek, if you like that sort of thing but it's not Samuels type of thing, that's for sure. Finally fencing and a subject that was his personal favourite. For some inexplicable reason it made him feel fantastic and he thoroughly enjoyed it even though finding kids brave enough to verse him was a problem. Last part of his school day was the relaxing bus trip home.

As Samuel was getting of the bus he swayed and almost fell over "Hey man, you alright?" Josh asked. Josh was Samuel's best friend since year 3
"I think so...just a little dizzy" replied Samuel.
As Samuel and Josh walked home Samuel's head began to throb, his legs felt weak and sweat was running down his face.
"Hey Sam you don't look so good, do you want me to walk you back home?" Josh asked.
"I think that may be a good idea" Samuel said weakly.

When the two boys reached Samuels house Josh practically dragged him through the front door.
"Hi Mrs Fay, just dropping Sam off because he didn't look to good" called out Josh.
"Oh Josh why don't you stay for..." she stopped when she looked at Samuel "My god Sam, what happened to you?" Samuels mother said with shock.
"I'm kind of asking my self the same question" said Samuel with effort.

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