Part 1

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It all started back at the annual Duncan Christmas party. Spencer, your best friend, was sitting with you when you both saw two girls walk in, that you hadn't ever seen before. Being the host of the party, you went and introduced yourself.

"Hi, I'm Adelynn and this is Spencer. I don't think we have ever met before," you said as Spencer and you walked up to the girls.

"Um, no. We just moved here. I'm Sara and this is Blair," she said with a smile.

"Oh well in that case, I would like for you both to join my clique," you said flashing your award winning smile.

"Your clique?" asked Blair, the brunette one.

"Yes, my clique. See I'm kind of the leader around here, you know everyone wishes they were you but they aren't so they try to be like you, follow your footsteps. You could be apart of my clique, instantly fit in, and you won't be the new girls,"

"Trust me, you don't want to be the new girls going to Clear Water," Spence said looking at the girls.

"Um, we're in," Sara said looking over at Blair.

"Yea, we're in," Blair repeated.

"Wonderful, now tomorrow at noon, not a minute late either, be here, there are a few rules you have to follow," you said before walking off.


"Early, I like you two even more," you said opening the front door.

"You said not to be late," Blair said with a smirk.

You smiled back at her and started walking towards the game room, even though it was never actually used for games, your mom still insisted on it being called the game room. Spencer was sitting in her usual spot, while Blair and Sara decided to sit on the loveseat together, leaving your seat open. Things were already going good, you thought to yourself.

"Alright so first things first, before you are officially apart of my clique, you have a few tests you go through," you said taking you seat next to Spencer.

"It's more of a initiation kind of thing, we give you tasks, you complete them, then after a few times of that, we decide if you will be officially in the clique or not," Spencer said, the girls both shook their head.

"Then we have clothes, hair, makeup, basically your appearance," you said standing up.

"What I mean by that is, always be dressed your best, heels always, makeup is a must, and your hair needs to always be freshly dyed or styled,"

"Which, from the looks of it, you don't have a problem with name brand or keeping up with your appearance," Spence said pointing down to Blair's brand new Michael Kors purse.

"My mom raised me right," she said back.

"What if I'm more into athletics?" Sara said.

"Theres nothing wrong with that, just better look the part when you are off the court," you said.

"Alright so, we have to go through a few tests, look the part, that's it?" asked Blair.

"That's just the beginning," you said with a smile.

"Boys, there is a clique at Clear Water, the all boys school, and they are the boys. If one of them has an interest in you, you let us know which one. Now also with boys, you can go after which ever you want, as long as one of us hasn't mentioned him. There are no secret dates, texts, calls, meetups or anything with one of them. And if you see one you like, let us know, and everyone must back off him," you said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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