Kicked Out

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Listen to the song when you see *** it gives a little since to the scene and when you see **** the four end it.

Bella's POV

"Bella Marin, to the Dean's office now" Great now what I haven't done anything. I walk into Mrs.Ayala's office "Sit down mija" I sit down and she takes a breath looking at my file "I'm sorry, but you need to leave the campus" I stand up with a worried face "What why?" she stands up "Because you are failing and you need to start focusing more on grades then on your look even though you're a beautiful young lady" I push my hair back and fan myself "You have until tomorrow to leave the campus I am sorry" *** I storm the room and walk back to my sorority "Hey Bella are you okay" I wipe my tear "Oh hey Dane" he walks up to me "Are you okay" "Yeah I am just gonna be homeless tomorrow" He hugs me "Oh you can stay with us" I let go "I have to be off campus tomorrow" I walk away crying.

Next night

"Goodbye girls" Joan walks to me "Here take my lucky brush" she hands me the baby blue brush "I can't" she walks and Anne walks to me "My best make up" she hands me it and I start crying. After all the gifts I walk out to the night and get in my car I live in. I wake up and drive to the city for roommate listings. I see a board and the cheapest on there is 8 girls house looking for another roommate "Ugghh" I get in my car and it turns off "Shit!" I get out and grab my stuff and walk to the address "Ooo beautiful you need someone to take yo fine ass to yo destination?" a guy starts laughing with his friends "Oh mommy" a guy walks behind me and pinches my butt "What the hell" I swing at him "Oh watch ya self sweetness" I breath and keep walking ignoring them.I get to a nice neighborhood and look at the address on the little piece of paper 1223 "1217" I pass more addresses "1223" I look up "What?" It is a bright faded yellow with a brown trim I walk up the wooden stairs *Screams* my heel breaks **** "Oh my god are you okay please don't sue us"a girl with red hair and glasses comes out "Help would be good" she helps my foot out of the whole in the wood "Um I am here for the roommate" we go in "Girls! we have a girl we need to interview!" she yells up the stairs "What's your name?" "Bella" girls come down the stairs "I'm Haley" we walk into the room "So we are going to be living with boobs for brain" an emo girl says "Um yes we are because look at her she has what we need to do Kristen" she rolls her eyes "Well let me introduce you to everyone" I look around the room as I sit on the low couch and look at all the nerdy misfit girls ( A/N Not what I think of nerds if the word nerd is offensive but just the characters perspective) "Over there is Leigh Anne" she points to the tall girl with brown pigtails "Hello" she says as she waves her hand "Then Catherine is the short haired blonde" she waves her hand "Melanie is right there" she points to her right to the girl with black hair "And Rose, Marry and Brianna are out at the campus library" "Okay well I am Bella Marin and I was kinda kicked off campus so until today I was homeless" they get up and run back to the places they were "I'm sorry they really don't like time away from studying" "It's okay but can you show me to a room" "oh yeah I am sorry" she laughs and snorts, we walk upstairs and she shows me a room "Here you go we only have one and a half bathrooms so we all share the one up here and downstairs is the half bath" I feel sad that I don't get my own space but at least a room is good with Haley is good "Okay I will let you unpack and get settled in" she leaves and I unpack. I turn the hose on and start washing my crusty car in my bikini so I can have something that I loved to do "Um Bella don't you think you are a little flashy?" Haley asks "You girls need to learn how to be hot and sexy" they get a confused look and a group of boys start whistling behind me, I turn around with the hose in my hand and spray the boy behind me because of shock "What the hell?" I accidentally do it again and spray myself too "What are you doing" all his friends are laughing at him and me "Are you like retarded?" he yells at me "You're Cameron Dallas" "No shit, Nash here" he takes his shirt off revealing his abs and hands it to his friend Nash "Oh my god Bella" Haley runs to him with a towel "Someone knows how to help" Haley takes the hose from me "Why did you spray that boy?" his friends start laughing and one keeps staring at me Nash. We walk inside "I can't believe boobs did that" Kristen "My name is Bella" I keep my cool still standing in a bathing suit "Can you guys not, Kristen you see how she had those boys looking at her" I look at her "What?" "Okay well if you haven't noticed we are a bunch of girls who are just smarts no look and we have been trying to get in a sorority for the past year" the girls run upstairs "You have never been out to a bar or you know bumped bumped if you know" "No but I have almost bumped" My eyes widen and my mouth opens "Your a virgin" she puts her hair down "We are going out tomorrow night" she runs upstairs "You know I can give you guys a make over" I run upstairs after her.

Cameron's POV

Me, Nash and some friends start walking back to my house *Whistling* "What?" I look and I see a cute girl in a bikini, I walk behind her "What the hell?" she sprays me with hose the she sprays me again and herself to "What are you doing" Nash and our friends start laughing at us "Are you like retarded?" I yell at her "You're Cameron Dallas" "No shit, Nash here" I take my shirt off and hand it to Nash then a girl with red hair and glasses runs to me with a towel "Someone knows how to help" she takes the hose from her friend, I walk back to my friends still laughing "Nash, hellloooo" he stops staring "What?" I roll my eyes and we walk next door to my house "That was to funny" I ignore them and run upstairs to get another shirt. I walk downstairs "So you get sprayed by the neighbors new girl and you don't tell your own mother?" "It's fine it was an accident" she walks back to the laundry room. We walk outside and the girls car is still outside "We are gonna go home" my friends tell me "I am gonna hang around for a bit" Nash stays while the others leave "That girl was kinda cute" I look at Nash "No she wasn't Nash" we walk past the torn down house, no wonder those girls never come out except for school.


If you aren't use to my work then go read my first story which is a work in progress and I am updating that and this story so please be easy on the update demands if this story ever get readers. Remember the more Votes and Comments on the stories progress will get the update faster. Thanks for reading.

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