Closer than Ever

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Johnnies POV

We spent the rest of that night having some pretty deep conversations. We talked about our problems, about what makes us depressed, about my mom and dad, about her dad, we talked about how much we love each other, about how we can make our problems not hurt as bad, we talked about how we both need someone to always be there to talk to.

We came upon a conclusion; Alex is going to move in. It all makes perfect sense, she can do online school, I don't got to school so that doesn't matter. We have a spare room filled with random junk, but we can clean all that out, it can be her room, it will all be perfect.

We brought up a subject, that we know we will fight, but we made sure to promise each other that no matter what we will stay strong for each other and will always be there for each other.

Alexs POV

"Promise me", I said firmly to Johnnie.

"What do you mean? We just promised", he said, very confused sounding.

"Kiss me, that'll be your promise", I said with a small smile on my face.

"Well if you insist" he said, leaning in, laughing a little bit.

We kissed, but we have never kissed like this before, we full on like, kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and interlaced my fingers behind his head. his hands were on my waist and we kissed, we kissed for a long time, we would've kissed for longer if Kyle didn't bust in.

"Hey guys, wait, oh, um sorry am I interrupting something?" he sounded embarrassed.

"Yeah a little bit, but its fine, what do you need?" I said as I giggled a little bit.

"Oh, um we were gonna go to Chipotle, you wanna tag along?", he said enthusiastically.

"Sure, sounds good", Johnnie answered for the both of us.

Johnnie helped me up and we met everyone in the living room. Then we were off on our adventure to Chipotle.

We had been walking for near to ten minutes when it started raining.

All of us his our phones in our pockets because we obviously couldn't leave the house without our phones. I put the hood of my jacket up and we ran under the awning out front of a store. Johnnie wrapped his arms around me and kept saying it wasn't fair that I wore a jacket, he said it jokingly though.

Then all the guys were taking in little kid voices saying no fair. I couldn't stop laughing.

The rain wouldn't stop and the store who's awning we were under was a convenient store, which I must say, was pretty convenient.

We went in and just got snacks there instead of going to Chipotle. We went and sat down at a little bench seat they had in the store.

We sat there on our phones for like ten minutes till the rain stopped. We walked outside and there were some Escapers walking down the street. They screamed and Johnnie immediately dropped his hand from my back. For a minute I forgot that its a secret that we're together.

They got pictures with all of us and three out of the four were talking about Kohnnie, I thought it was cute but it made me cringe a little bit. The last girl this wasn't came over to me and asked if she could ask me something. I agreed.

"Is Johlex real? Because you and Johnnie are my otp.", she whispered to me.

"Are you a true escaper?", I asked her.

"Yes, I promise.", she said very seriously.

"There's your answer, but if you're a true escaper, you won't tell a soul.", I said in an uneasy tone.

"I swear to you, I won't tell anyone. It'll be our secret.", she said with a smile.

I have her a hug and took a picture with her. Then they were off.

"What was that about?", Johnnie asked me and he came up behind me wrapped his arms around me.

"She had a question for me", I said giggling.

"She wasn't hitting on you was she?", he said laughing.

"No, I promise.", I said turning around cupping my hands around his face and kissing him.

"Okay good", he said with a smile on his face as we pulled apart.

He put his arm around me and we walked down the street a little in front of the rest of the guys. We didn't know but apparently Bryan took a picture of us walking with Johnnie's arm around me and minutes later our phones were blowing up with all this notifications for Instagram, twitter, everything. They all were saying #johlex and stuff, some, no most, of them were hateful though. This made me sad, Johnnie read the comments with me and saw my expression go from bad to worse.

"Alex?", he said to me.

"Yeah?", I replied quietly.

"Do you know that you're the most beautiful, sweetest, and most perfect person I've ever met?", he asked me.

"I doubt it", I said under my breath.

Johnnie put his arm around my waist and told me he loved me. I rested my head on his shoulder and we walked home and then finally went to sleep since it was very late.

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