First Chapter

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Alli's POV

Mom and I had just finished eating what I could cook up for dinner. We didn't have much. All I could find in the house that would make an excuse of a meal was some potatoes that I mashed up and two almost spoiled hot dogs. I had finished cooking just as mom had walked in the front door, immediately complaining about my cooking and her day.

Mom placed her fork down and fakes a yawn. "Do the dishes. I'm wore out from work," is all she says as she stands up from the table. She does this a lot. Actually, this is just her. She's lazy and cares for nobody but maybe herself at times. I've done all the working outside and inside the house ever since I can remember. I had taught myself how to pick pocket because I knew when I went home there would be nothing on the table for me to eat. As soon as I was able to get a job, I did.

My mom is a slut to say the least, and any money she earns she uses immediately on alcohol at the nearest bar, so it is always up to me to take care of myself and my mother. And now, being 19 years old and out of school for a year, I'm fed up with my mom acting like a child.

"No," I say sternly just as Mom is about to go down the hall. She turns on her heel and stares at me with her hands on her hips.

"Excuse me?" She asks in a surprised tone.

"I said," I mutter and stand up from my seat at our small wooden table, "no."

"I do everything in this house and what you say when I ask one favor is no?" She snaps and places a hand over her heart as if she were hurt.

"Oh bullshit!" I call out. "You don't do anything in this damn house! It's all me! I clean. I do the dishes. I cook dinner. I have a reasonable paying job. You spent all that yearly money those idiotic royals gave you within the first months! I do everything while you sit on your lazy ass and get drunk and whore around all the time!" I shout.

"You?! Do everything? Please!" Mom cackles.

"Like you do anything! I have saved enough money to buy myself a motorcycle and what do you have?"

"Oh please that motorcycle is a piece of junk, Alli!"

"Well it's more than you've got, Denise."

"I am your mother! You do not call me Denise!" She shouts as she stomps over to me with her finger in the air, and she slaps me. Her long nails leave marks along my face. I can feel the blood run down my cheek, but I don't respond to her hit.

"I can call you whatever I want. It's not like you ever treated me like your daughter anyway!" I snap back. She stays silent for once. "I do everything in this house and you cannot prove me wrong about that. I'm fed up with being treated like dog shit! You can deal with everything yourself. I'm leaving and never coming back." Denise doesn't move, but she sure has a lot come out of her mouth.

"Go ahead!" Denise shouts. "Leave! All you ever did was cause me trouble!" She shakes her head. "God, I knew I should've kept the other one. Marie is so much better than you. But you would've made an embarrassment out of Lilia if you were the Princess. So I guess I saved the country." Denise has a smirk on her face. My hands are at fists by my sides. There is so much anger pumping through my veins I couldn't say a word.

I have a twin sister. Her name is Marie-- the girl who Denise was talking about. Before either of us were born, Denise had been so-called "in love" with a man named Jonathon Blair. He had made her the happiest she ever was--and pregnant. Neither were thrilled about the pregnancy. They couldn't support a child, let alone two. It was just their luck that Queen Emilee was barren. King Daniel and Queen Emilee had tried to have a child many times, but it would either end in no pregnancy at all or an early miscarriage. They were the King and the Queen, they must have a child or their family reign would be over.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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