The New Rachel

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything but my own creativeness.

The summer before his senior year was one of the best Blaine had had in his whole life.

He was dreading it for a while, thinking he would be alone, but as it turned out he was far from it.

His time was spent between shopping with Tina, playing video games with Sam and Artie, hanging out with the ones who'd be gone at the end of the summer, and spending as much time with Kurt as he possibly could between the boy's new job at Lima Bean and him worrying about what he would do when the school year began. He had a great summer.

He even tried to get in touch with some of his neglected friends at Dalton.

Even with the situation involving a slushie, almost losing sight in his eyes, and having to get surgery, he was still their friends.

He had hung out with Nick, Jeff, Thad, and Trent. He really missed them. They had a blast.

Now that summer was over and his senior year was the next day, he found himself beginning to freak out.

Nerves worked their way through his body. Now that Finn and Rachel were gone, it left the position of the new lead soloist and leader open.

Sure he was newer than some of the other people, but he had the skills to take over. Being in the Warblers helped him. He knew that it would be different, of course.

Not every solo would be his and he was fine with that, but he wanted to be the one everyone looked to for the answers.

He walked into school the new day with a spring in his step and smiling wide.

He knew that with the New Direction's new popularity, his new outfit, gray slacks, white polo, green and navy sweater vest and gray bowtie, would not get ruined by the red dye of the many slushie that were tossed in his face the year before.

He stopped by the choir room and found Tina, Brittany, and Artie. They were looking at the case with their Nationals trophy was sitting.

He stepped up next to Brittany and smiled at their reward for their victory. It felt god to win.

"Face it," he heard behind him and all four turned to find Jacob Ben Israel with a microphone in his hand, "Rachel Berry was the group's undisputed star, so really the only question is which one of you is the new Rachel?"

Blaine smiled and nodded his head. It was flattering that someone else had realized their needed to be a new leader and it was obviously him. He leaned in and said, "I am."

But the thing was he wasn't the only one to say it. Brittany and Tina said it at the same time and everything stopped.

They turned to give each other this look before the bell rang.

Blaine frowned and left with Brittany and Tina, giving them the look as he walked to his class. "I'll be the next Rachel, you two," he said as he turned to stop them.

Tina turned on her heels and strutted up to him. "We may be friends Blaine, but I will not let you take this position from me.

The only thing that got me through the break up with Mike was the fact that I knew I would take over Rachel's spot."

Brittany stepped up. "Just so you know, you're both wrong," she said. "I'm the new Rachel.

As last year's president and soon to be this year's president, I get Rachel's spot. And because I'm way better than both to you put together."

Blaine and Tina gaped at her as she strutted away. "I'm the only one of us that has the leadership skills," Blaine said quickly.

"You wouldn't know what to do with the power, Tina. Just step down and give it to the rightful owner, me."

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