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Yes I am here again, as very few of you may know. I tried to write a couple of romance books before and I sucked. Especially at love scenes. I flinched at my own work. So now I'm doing an action paranormal and I'm really inspired about this one. This is my prologue or first chapter and I really need so feedback and ideas.
Thank you


"Do you wish to live?" a dying person suppose to answer that?...... Of course the obvious answer is "Yes" . Yes, i want to live but who would I be living for?

Still on the ground, dying, I looked around. On one side My older brother and on the other, my dad, and my mum with my unborn sister. My unborn sister spewing from my mother's womb. Dead.

I finally looked up to the to the Creature in front of me. "No...I don't want to live" my answer.

"I have nothing to live for" I didn't know about any other relatives. My parents almost never talked about them.

The creature in front of me knelt down, and stared at me. It was as if he could see my soul.. He probably could. He spoke.

"I am Azrael, Soul Reaper of man and gods. I have lived before and I will live even beyond time. No creature can stand against me and the power of my scythe. But I need you Cecily Hawthorne"

"You..need me?" What was so special about me?

"Well, it's more so that I need the blood that flows in you" Azrael replied.

The Chains.
The chains of hell. My family had a long history with death. My mother's side to be exact. You see When you combine the chains of hell and a grim reaper, you get a kick ass team, which was exactly what the higher ups wanted to avoid.

Fortunately for them the flow of the chains were predictable. The chain only manifested in our family's female born child, this made things a lot easier for the higher ups.

But there was also the fear that one of our ancestors would fall in love with Azrael.

So when one of my ancestors decided to leave death's side for her human love, the higher ups were more than happy to comply. They had thought our bloodline and the chains would disappear.

But they were so wrong, the mixing of supernatural and normal human blood only made it difficult for the higher ups to track the next chain bearer. The flow was random but it still remained female born.

I possessed the chains which they feared. A random link to another one of the world's feared power. The chains equal to death's scythe and equally as deadly.

"It seems that you understand, this will make things easier" the creature decided. "I can assume your mother has told you about your ancestors"

"You knew my mother?" I struggled to ask, a bit surprised.

Mother never talked to or about anyone in her life before she got married to my father.

She did not even tell me about her ancestors,but she kept her great grandmother's diary... which I took the pleasure of reading.

"I did not know your mother but I knew of her mother, she possessed the chains which you have" he replied

"You said you needed me- well my chains, why?" I felt the need to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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