Chapter 1

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Dean struggled against the ropes in hope to free himself. He wasn't scared, this kind of thing happens to him all the time. He was struggling because his brother was unconscious next to him and he needed to get him out of there. Dean was alert when Sam come to.

"Sam!" He said. Sam mumbled an 'I'm okay' to Dean. The two looked at their surroundings, seeing it looked like and abandoned ware house. Sam always kept a knife tucked into his sleeve and was grateful he did. He slowly let it slide down into his hand, but as soon as he felt it in his palm, it was ripped from his hand.

"You just came to the party, you can't leave now!" The skin walker taunted. He threw the knife across the floor and looked back at the boys. He grinned at them, and when he did, the boys could see blood. It wasn't a pretty sight no, but the boys have seen worse.

"Why haven't you killed us yet?" Sam questioned. "You have had plenty of chances, why haven't you done it yet."

"Good question." He replied. "You see, you two are pretty famous in hell. You two are Sam and Dean Winchester. Almost everyone of my kind that has run into you two, was killed. Which means you two killed my brothers and sisters, so of course I haven't killed you yet, I want you two to suffer."

"I want to put you in the most pain you have ever experienced." He said.

Dean let out a dry, throaty laugh followed by a,"yea well, we went to hell. I think that's as bad as it gets." The creature in front of him walk towards him and got into his face. Dean stared back with much force as the skin walker.

"Then why don't you get it over with? You obviously have a lot of hate for us, so just do it." Sam interrupted. The skin walker back off with Deans glare following him.

"Well you see-" two gun shots rang through the air and the skin walker dropped to the floor, dead. A girl with a gun stood behind the body, but quickly walked to the two boys.

"I was getting tired of waiting." She said. She got to Dean and started untying his hands, then worked her way to his torso.

"Wait- I don't think we haven't met before....right?" Dean questioned. The girl smirked and decided to let Dean do his legs.

"The names Taylor Stifflir and I'm shocked Bobby told you nothing 'bout me." She said. She walked over to Sam and started untying his wrists when her body was hauled into the air and sent flying into a pile of boxes. Dean grabbed his gun and went to shoot at the creature but it vanished. Taylor picked herself off the ground and limped back to the boys.

"I always forget how bad that hurts." She joked. Once they got Sam untied, the check the area before working out a plan.

"Okay that was no skin walker, that was a vampire." Sam said.

"Why the hell are those two working together then?" Taylor heard Dean say but she blocked him out and turned around quickly, shooting at another monster. It was confirmed a Skin walker when the body dropped to the floor. The boys stared at her, bewildered that she knew that it was behind her. But she said nothing.

"We got to move," she said. "Now!" She started to walk to the entrance when Dean spoke up.

"You can go, but we are staying back here to finish the job." And with that, the brothers Disappeared. She cursed and walked around to find them. When she did, she found Sam struggling under a vamp. Sam's machete was lying a few feet away from him, which she grabbed and threw a mean swing at the neck. The head fell limp to the ground and Taylor helped Sam up.

"It'd be nice to know the names of who's asses I'm saving." She scowled. Sam threw her a 'later' look right as Dean was thrown into Sam.

"Hiya Sammy, mind giving me a hand?" He groaned. The Vamps head fell to the ground and the boys looked slowly from the head, to the girl pushing the body to the floor.

"Amateurs." She mumbled. "Is that all of  'em?"

Sam stuttered out a, "uh yea least I think so." She puffed out air and tossed Sam's machete to the ground before sitting down. She decided after all of that, she could use a break. The brothers looked at each other.

"So," Dean started and got off the ground. "Uh Taylor?" She nodded. "Right okay how did you know we were here?"

"I didn't know. Was just here on a job." She said.

"Right." He drawled out.

"Well thanks for, y'know." Sam said.

Taylor waved it off and said," I don't need to be thanked, the only thing I want to know is your names." Sam nodded in understanding.

"Okay, uh I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean." Dean nodded at her and smiled flirtatiously. He leaned against a cart to be cool, but caught himself when it fell over. He tried to find an explanation, but gave up knowing he didn't have one and just smiled sheepishly.

"Right," she nodded. "Well if we are done here I'm gonna get going now." She got up to leave but was stopped when Sam grabbed her arm softly. Gentleman, she thought. Its rare to find them now a days.

"Hey uh, what motel are you staying at?" He asked. Taylor's raised we eyebrows.

"Motel?" She asked. He nodded. "No motels. Don't have the money." She said. She turned to leave but once again, Sam grabbed her arm.

"Hey, if you want, you could come to our room for a night or two." He said but tried to catch him self when he realized it sounded perverted. "I meant to sleep, not do things y'know cause we just met and all and I don't want to come off as per-"



"Shut up!"

"Yes Dean." Taylor smiled at the brothers. They reminded Taylor of her little sister and her. Taylor shook her head to Sam's suggestion.

"Nah it's okay. I don't have time to hold yall back. Just need to find a quiet place to sleep in the car."

"We don't mind." Dean jumped in. He thought Taylor was was good looking and having a hot girl in the hotel room....well that was a score for him.

"Are you sure." She asked. The brothers nodded and Taylor let herself relax a little.

"Okay, so I'll just follow you there?" They nodded again and were about to leave when another skin walker tackled Taylor. Dean was quick to shoot it in the head while Sam rushed to help Taylor off the floor after she pushed the body off her.

"I thought you said that was all?!" Sam looked at the body then her.

"It is- at least I think it is, if not let's get the hell out of here."

"You think?!"

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