Ths one word is enough to make a grown man ball up and cower in terror, those two words can make a women faint, an old man have a heart attack and a child scream till no end.
If you ever go there, you will never come out, Ever. You disappear from the face of the earth, as everyone say's. Your loved ones grieve for you and pray that you are living, or better yet in heaven.
Legends surround that city, legends of hairy men and blood suckers, legends of devils and angels. But nobody dares to get even close to it, except me.
VampireA city left alone from the people, the place that is feared. Once you go there, you may never come back. People oddly disappearing when they are close to it or even in it, nobody comes out, ever. Legends also encircle that city, it is said that demo...