Chapter 1

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She sat on his bed, fiddling with her fingers in her white cotton nightgown.

"Master?" Seras wanted to ask Alucard something but was too hesitant about it.

"Yes, cop?" Her Master answered, sitting in his big chair in the middle of the room with his cravat loose and most of his attire off and hair in a straightened mess, with a glass of blood in his hand which he lazily swirled around, he sat directly in front of the large window which shone little to no light, it was morning already, their time of sleep, his little fledgling would sleep in his chambers, based on his request.

"Master, you've turned me into a vampire and I.. well... No, Master, I meant to say, well... Will you be honest with me, please, Master?" She asked..

"You want to know why I turned you into a vampire, is that so?" His voice echoed through the room.

"W..well, yes, Master..." She answered

He put the glass of blood on the table next to him and called out for Seras to come.

He never displayed any emotion, except for yearning for blood during time of war or basically anytime, that was mostly what he showed, that and satisfaction as he teased his own Master over, basically anything!

He held her hand and in silence, brought her to sit on his legs, facing him, her nightgown was raised exposing her thighs, he moved away some strands of hair from her face and smiled as he gently settled her legs on either sides of his,

He inhaled deeply..

Seras was silent, blushing at this unexpected action, Master Alucard seemed intimidating to most, even to Seras, but she felt safe whenever she was with him.

"I merely couldn't just leave you to die at the hands of that horrid, lowest specimen of a vampire priest..." He traced her jaw ever so slowly..

"Why, Master?" She quietly said, feeling drowsy at his touch,

"I don't think I have an explanation for that just yet, cop..." He smirked, bringing her in for a gentle embrace

"Master..." She placed her head on his chest and fell asleep, he played with her hair for a while and shortly after, he fell asleep too.

"Wake up, cop!" A deep, vivid sound broke Seras's dream, when she realized it was her Master and that he was heading out and she was still in bed, she instantly got up, and quickly, she started getting dressed.


"We seem to have a mission!" He grinned, that sadist grin of his meant only one thing, he wanted blood, and blood was what he was going to get.

"Master Integra, your orders?" That same grin on his face, right in front of Integra's desk, with Walter behind her and Seras Victoria behind him.

"Do you think after all these years my orders would change, Alucard?" She said coldly, he laughed.

She reached for her pocket for a cigar and Walter quickly took out a light and walked over to her side to light it for her, she took a few deep drags of the intoxicating substance and looked up at Alucard
"Search and destroy!"

Alucard bowed.

"Your wish is my command, my Master... Let's go, cop!"

Seras quickened her pace to follow him outside the room, after closing the door behind her.

"What seems to be disturbing you, Sir?" Walter asked, noticing the tension Integra was feeling.

"I have a strange feeling about tonight, Walter." She said, not moving from her spot.

"Well, Sir, I only hope all goes well after all, that's all we can hope and pray for."

"You always seem to know what to say and how to make it sound absolutely ambiguous, Walter." he smirked, she got up from her chair,

"That is probably the only thing we can do." She said.

"Shall I see that your dinner is prepared, Sir Integra?" He asked.

She said nothing, but walked out of the room into her own room, it was time for her bath.

"That only means a yes!" Walter said, smiling to himself.

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